

单词 deep-sea
释义 deep sea, deep-sea
Also 7 dipsie, dipsy.
The deeper part of the sea or ocean at a distance from the shore. Used attrib. or as adj.: Of or belonging to the deep sea.
deep-sea lead, deep sea line, a head and line used for soundings in deep water. deep-sea fisheries, fisheries prosecuted at a distance from land, in which the fishermen are absent from home for a lengthened period.
1626Capt. Smith Accid. Yng. Seamen 29 Heaue the lead, try the dipsie line.1627Seaman's Gram. ix. 43 The Dipsie line..is a small line some hundred and fifty fadome long, with a long plummet at the end..which is first marked at twenty fadome, and after increased by tens to the end.1698Fryer Acc. E. India 13 Heaving our Dipsy-lead we were in soundings eighty Fathom depth.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1789), Sonder, to sound: to heave the hand-lead, or deep-sea-lead.1835Sir J. Ross Narr. 2nd Voy. iv. 55 We now sounded with the deepsea lead every two hours.1853Herschel Pop. Lect. Sc. ii. §2 (1873) 48 Among deep-sea fishes.1875J. H. Bennet Winter Medit. i. v. 128 The pioneer of deep-sea dredging, the late Edward Forbes.1880Wyville Thomson in Rep. Challenger Exp. Zool. I. 50 Faunæ which have successively occupied the same deep-sea.1887E. J. Mather (title), Nor'ard of the Dogger: the story of..the Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen.




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