

单词 defalk
释义 defalk, v. Obs. or arch.|dɪˈfɔːlk|
Also 5–7 -falke, 6 -falck, -faik (Sc.), 6–7 -faulk(e.
[a. F. défalque-r (14th c. in Littré), ad. med.L. dēfalcāre: see defalcate.]
1. trans. To diminish by cutting off a part, to reduce by deductions. Obs.
1475Bk. Noblesse 72 None of youre officers roialle..shalle darre doo the contrarie to take no bribe, rewarde, or defalke the kingis wagis.1526Househ. Ord. 230 The Clerkes Comptrolers..to defaulk [printed default] & check the wages of all [those]..absent without lycense.1552Huloet, Defalke or mynyshe, defalcare.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1543/1 Vpon euerie default their wages was totted and defalked.1613–8Daniel Coll. Hist. Eng. (1626) 158 In the second Statute..hee defalked the Jurisdiction of Ecclesiasticall Judges.1630R. Johnson's Kingd. & Commw. 323 The monethly expence of the Court (being thirtie thousand Crownes) is in these times defalked unto five thousand.1747Carte Hist. Eng. I. 164 Not thinking it lawful to defalk any of their dues.
2. To cut or lop off; to deduct, subtract, abate.
a. gen. Obs.
1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) I. 118 Thir novellis maid Cesius to defaik sum part of his curage [remiserit ardorem].1577Stanyhurst Descr. Irel. in Holinshed VI. 2 Ireland is divided into foure regions..and into a fift plot, defalked from everie fourth part.1647Jer. Taylor Lib. Proph. iii. 61 That the Jewes had defalk'd many sayings from the Books of the old Prophets.1659Gentl. Calling viii. §1. 441 These days have taught the vulgar to defalk much of that respect which former ages paid to superiors of all sorts.1701Beverley Glory of Grace 51 The..Noble Part of the Redemption of Christ were then Defaulked, If He did not save From the Filth of Sin.
b. a part or sum from an account, payment, etc. (Still locally in U.S. legal use.)
1524–5Burgh Rec. Edin. 20 Feb., Quilk sowme the said president..grantis to be allowit and defalkit to the said fermoraris in thair latter quarter.1530Palsgr. 509/2, I wyll nat defalke you a peny of your hole somme..This shall be defalked from your somme.15..Aberdeen Reg. (Jam.), The skiper aucht to defaik sa mekle of his fraucht as wald fuyr the merchandis gudis to..Sanctandrois.1562Act 5 Eliz. c. 4 To.. forfeit 1d for euery houres absence, to be deducted and defaulked out of his wages.a1610Healey Theophrastus (1636) 41 If any of his seruants breake but a pitcher..he defalketh it out of their wages.1666Pepys Diary (1879) III. 486 He bids me defalk 25l for myself.1736Carte Ormonde II. 401 Money..payable out of the treasury of Ireland, and afterwards defalked out of the Duke's salary and entertainment.1886Justice Sterrett in Gunnis v. Cluff (Cent.), The question is whether the damages sustained can be defalked against the demand in this action.
c. absol. or intr. Obs.
1604Househ. Ord. 305 Our Officers..to whom it appertaineth to defaulk from their entertainement.a1631Donne Serm. lxxv. 765 Why should I defalke from his generall propositions and..call his omnes (his all) a Few.1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. (1650) 194 He lyes to the holy Ghost, that defalkes from that which he engaged himselfe to bestow.1757Warburton in Garrick's Corr. I. 77 You see at last if I defalk from their human science, I repay them largely in divine.
a. To allow (any one) a deduction.
b. To deprive or mulct of (anything due). Obs.
1541Act 33 Hen. VIII in Stat. Irel. (1621) 230 The Kings said lessees..shall be defalked, abated, and allowed..of and for such and so much yearely rent and ferme.1565J. Calfhill Answ. Treat. Crosse (1846) 206 That, for default of solemnity, we shall be defaulked of fruit of Sacraments.
Hence deˈfalking vbl. n.
1475Bk. Noblesse 31 Bethout any defalking [or] abregging of here wagis.1581A. Anderson Serm. Paules Crosse 22 Without addition or defalking too or fro the worde of God.1659Gauden Tears of Ch. 235 Few do pay them without delayings, defalkings, and defraudings.




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