

单词 deferred
释义 deferred, ppl. a.|dɪˈfɜːd|
[f. defer v.1 + -ed.]
Postponed, put off for a time, delayed.
deferred annuity, an annuity that does not begin till after a certain period or number of years, or till the occurrence of a future event, as the decease of some person. deferred bonds: see quot. 1882. deferred pay, a part of the pay of a soldier, etc., which is held over to be paid at his discharge, or at death; in the British Army the amount of deferred pay for soldiers and non-commissioned officers is twopence a day; to men in the reserve force the amount is paid annually. deferred payment, payment that is postponed; spec. payment in instalments (see quot. 1951); also fig. deferred rate, a cheaper rate charged for a telegram, cable, etc., which may be delayed in transit. deferred shares, deferred stock: see quot. 1882. deferred shoot: see quot. 1883. deferred telegram, one not for immediate delivery (see quot. 1908).
1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxii. 198 An immediate, or a not long deferr'd event.1674Essex Papers (Camden) I. 215 That no surprise might be put upon yr Excellency by the defered hearing.1796Deb. Congress U.S. (1849) 792 A sum..will then become due and payable on the deferred stock.1804J. Poole Narr. Foreign Corps 63 My first knowledge of the deferred list.1819Shelley Cenci v. ii. 23 'Tis my hate, and the deferred desire To wreak it, which extinguishes their [the cheeks'] blood.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. IV. 381 The effect..of bitter regrets and of deferred hopes.1863Sydney Morning Herald 25 Dec., Information regarding free selection, conditional purchase, deferred payment, or grazing rights.Ibid., In the year previous to free selection and deferred payment, that is, during the year 1861.1882Bithell Counting-house Dict. s.v., Deferred Bonds are bonds issued by a Government or by a company, entitling the holder to a gradually increasing rate of interest, till the interest amount to a certain specified rate, when they are classed as, or are converted into Active Bonds. Deferred Shares are shares issued by a Trading Company, but not entitling the holder to a full share of the profits of the company, and sometimes to none at all, until the expiration of a specified time, or the occurrence of some event.1883Syd. Soc. Lex., Deferred shoots, the shoots produced from dormant buds in the axils of bud-scales.1883Chambers's Jrnl. 1 Sept. 545/2 The training undergone for the sake of the future recompense which forms the deferred payment.1883F. A. Walker Pol. Econ. iii. iii. 115 The Standard of Deferred Payments, usually called the Standard of Value.1889Whitaker's Alm. 645 Deferred pay is an additional payment of {pstlg}3 per annum made to all non-commissioned officers and soldiers on discharge who have fulfilled certain conditions.1896Chambers's Jrnl. 26 Sept. 610/1 It is this system of ‘deferred payment’, as it may be called, that enables the speculator to deal in shares although he may not possess any appreciable capital.1898Morris Austral Eng., Deferred payment, a legal phrase. ‘Land on deferred payment’; ‘Deferred payment settler’; ‘Pastoral deferred payment’. These expressions in New Zealand have reference to the mode of statutory alienation of Crown lands.1907Westm. Gaz. 18 June 4/2 The introduction of the deferred-payment system in connexion with the automobile business.1908Ibid. 3 Apr. 10/1 All deferred rate telegrams are posted instead of being wired.1929Times 2 Feb. 8/3 The cost of ‘Urgent’ telegram to be 1s., and ‘Deferred’ 6d., for 15 words.1951Oxf. Jun. Encycl. VII. 148/2 The other system of instalment selling is called ‘deferred payments’. A written agreement is drawn up, as for a hire-purchase transaction, but the goods become the property of the buyer after payment of the first deposit.




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