

单词 deliberation
释义 I. deliberation1|dɪˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən|
Also 4–6 delyberacioun, -acion, etc.
[a. F. délibération, in 13th c. deliberacion, ad. L. dēlīberātiōn-em, n. of action from dēlīberāre to deliberate.]
1. The action of deliberating, or weighing a thing in the mind; careful consideration with a view to decision.
c1374Chaucer Troylus iii. 470 For he, with grete deliberacion Had every thing..Forcast, and put in execucion.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 133 A man ought to do his Werkis by deliberacion..and not sodaynly.1548Hall Chron. 194 b, Without any farther deliberacion, he determined with himselfe.1618Bolton Florus iii. x. 198 Asking time for deliberation.1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. xiii. §16. 207 Deliberation is nothing else but a weighing, as it were in scales, the conveniencies, and inconveniencies of the fact we are attempting.1751Johnson Rambler No. 184 ⁋4 To close tedious deliberations with hasty resolves.1875Jowett Plato (ed. 2) I. 386 Make up your mind then..for the time of deliberation is over.
2. The consideration and discussion of the reasons for and against a measure by a number of councillors (e.g. in a legislative assembly).
1489Caxton Faytes of A. iv. x. 256 Grete bataylles are entreprysed by delyberacyon of a grete counseyl.1555Eden Decades 57 After deliberation they iudged that Nicuesa could no more lacke [etc.].1688in Somers Tracts II. 290 Their Lordships assembled together..and prepared, upon the most mature Deliberation, such Matters as they judged necessary.1771Junius Lett. xlviii. 252 The resolutions..were made..after long deliberation upon a constitutional question.1855Macaulay Hist. Eng. III. xiii. 280 To protect the deliberations of the Royalist Convention.1861Geo. Eliot Silas M. 9 On their return to the vestry there was further deliberation.1871J. Lewes Digest of Census 204 The legislative body [of Guernsey], called the ‘States of Deliberation’.
b. A consultation, conference. Obs.
1632Lithgow Trav. iii. 80 A long deliberation being ended, they restored backe againe my Pilgrimes clothes, and Letters.1648Nethersole Problems ii. title, Advice..very applyable to the present Deliberation.
3. A resolution or determination. Obs.
1579Fenton Guicciard. i. (1599) 18 The timerous man carried by despaire into deliberations headlong and hurtfull.1632J. Hayward tr. Biondi's Eromena 10 If the doubt of shewing himselfe too credulous..had not confirm'd him in his former deliberation.1653Urquhart Rabelais i. xxix. My deliberation is not to provoke, but to appease: not to assault but to defend.
b. The written record of a resolution (of a deliberating body). Obs.
1715Leoni Palladio's Archit. (1742) I. 98 Places..where were reposited the deliberations and resolutions of the Senate.
4. As a quality: Deliberateness of action.
c1386Chaucer Melib. ⁋376 Yow oghte purueyen and apparaillen yow..with greet diligence and greet deliberacioun.1413Lydg. Pylgr. Sowle iv. xxix. (1859) 62 Al that they sayde or dyde shold be of suche delyberacion, that it myght be taken for autoryte of lawe.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 92 b, And this enuy is mortall synne, whan it is with delyberacyon of reason and wyll.1541R. Copland Guydon's Quest. 2 C iij b/2 Nowe we wyll dyspose vs with delyberacyon to speake of the curacyon of inueterate vlcers.1628Earle Microcosm., Alderman (Arb.) 27 Hee is one that will not hastily runne into error, for hee treds with great deliberation.1732Law Serious C. xxiii. (ed. 2) 47 You must enter upon it with deliberation.1794S. Williams Hist. Vermont 166 The chiefs consulted with great deliberation.1856Emerson Eng. Traits, Wealth Wks. (Bohn) II. 73 Every whim..is put into stone and iron, into silver and gold, with costly deliberation and detail.
b. Absence of hurry; slowness in action or movement; leisureliness.
1855H. Spencer Princ. Psychol. (1872) I. ix. 495 Psychical changes which..take place with some deliberation.1860Tyndall Glac. i. xvii. 119 We saw it [an ice-berg] roll over with the utmost deliberation.
II. delibeˈration2 Obs. rare.
[ad. med.L. dēlīberātiōn-em, n. of action from dēlīberāre to deliver.]
Liberation, setting free.
1502Arnolde Chron. 160 That we shulde treat with thy holynesse for his delyberacion.




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