

单词 delye
释义 delie, delye, a. Obs. rare.
[a. F. délié (13th c. in Hatzf.), early ad. L. dēlicāt-us, on the analogy of popular formations like plicātus, plié. (As a living word dēlicātus passed through to del'cato, Sp. delgado, Cat. and Pr. delgat, OF. delgiét, delgié, deljé, mod.F. dial. deugé, dougé. A third and still later adaptation is délicat: see delicate.)]
Delicate, fine.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. i. 5 Her cloþes weren maked of ryȝt delye þredes.c1425Govt. Lordschipes 88 Ffor delye þinge ys more worth þan greet, and þynne more worth þan þycke. [1692Coles, Dely, little. Old word.—Hence in Kersey, Bailey, Ash, etc.]




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