

单词 priming
释义 I. priming, vbl. n.1|ˈpraɪmɪŋ|
[f. prime v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of prime v.1
[In the following quot., the sense is, from the date, uncertain (? 3):
1427–8Rec. St. Mary at Hill 67 Also for primyng of þe haly water stop, viijd.]
1. The putting of gunpowder in the pan of an old-fashioned fire-arm.
1598, etc. [see priming-iron, etc. in 10].1655Marquis of Worcester Cent. Inv. §58 To make a Pistol discharge a dozen times with one loading, and without so much as once new Priming requisite.1816Sporting Mag. XLVIII. 174 Any of the compounds or matters to be used in priming.1851Layard Pop. Acc. Discov. Nineveh ix. 238 This..led to the drawing of sabres and priming of matchlocks.
2. a. concr. The gunpowder which was placed in the pan of a fire-arm and to which the match or spark was applied; also, the train of powder connecting a fuse with a charge in blasting, etc.
1625, etc. [see priming-horn, etc. in 10].1781Thompson in Phil. Trans. LXXI. 260 The sailors bruise the priming after they have put it to their guns, as they find it very difficult, without this precaution, to fire them off with a match.1799G. Smith Laboratory I. 19 Make a little receptacle for the priming.1870Lowell Study Wind. 143 The man who pronounced the Nibelungen Lied not worth a pinch of priming.
b. fig. (in quot. applied to liquor).
1833Marryat P. Simple xxxv, ‘Well, Mr. Simple, so I will; but I require a little priming, or I shall never go off.’ ‘Will you have your glass of grog before or after?’ ‘Before, by all means.’
3. The preparing of (a surface) for painting, by coating it with a body colour, etc. Also transf.
1609[see priming colour in 10].1676C. Hatton in H. Corr. (Camden) 139 Y⊇ priming of y⊇ cloath is very good.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 410 Ruddle, or a red earth..used as a ground colour for priming, instead of Spanish brown.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 641 There can be no better mode adopted for priming, or laying on the first coat on stucco.1847Smeaton Builder's Man. 97 Priming has also the advantage of preventing the knots from being seen through the paint.
4. concr.
a. The substance or mixture used by painters for the preparatory coat.
b. A coat or layer of the substance. Also fig.
1625Nomenclator Navalis s.v. Pryming (Harl. MS. 2301) The first grounde or cullor wch is laid on for others to rome over it in Painting the Shippe is called Priming.1661Feltham Resolves ii. lix. (ed. 8) 310 Prayer..t'is the priming of the Soul, that laying us in the Oyl of Grace preserves us from the Worm and Wether.1741Compl. Fam.-Piece iii. 524 Grind your Red-Lead with Linseed Oil, and use it very thin for the first Colouring or Priming.1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 722 When the priming is quite dry, a thin coat of gold-size must be laid on.1873E. Spon Workshop Receipts Ser. i. 76/1 The priming or undercoat makes a saving in the quantity of varnish used.
5. (See quot. 1896.)
1896Westm. Gaz. 16 Mar. 3/2 The use of ‘priming’—which is a preparation of sugar, added after brewing, to give the beer ‘body’ and make it more palatable.Ibid., In addition to permitting ‘priming’ we have specially allowed the use of adjuncts for the preparation of water for brewing purposes, and for fining and colouring the beer.
6. fig. The hasty and imperfect imparting of knowledge; cramming.
1859G. Meredith R. Feverel xxvii, Tom also received his priming.1894E. C. Selwyn in Westm. Gaz. 23 July 2/3 He was primed for the occasion, and such priming deserves the name of pot-hunting.
7. Engineering. (See prime v.1 6.)
1841Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. IV. 15/2 The total loss both by the safety-valve and by priming.1869E. A. Parkes Pract. Hygiene (ed. 3) 24 Salt water is sometimes mixed with it [distilled water] from the priming of the boilers.1901Feilden's Mag. IV. 413/1 The first point to aim at is to have the steam and any water of priming or condensation flowing in the same direction.
8. In the sense of prime v.1 4. Cf. pump priming vbl. n.
1888Lockwood's Dict. Mech. Engin. 266 Priming,..(2) the priming of a force pump is the expulsion of the air from the water space, in order that the water shall enter into the partial vacuum thus produced... (3) The fetching of a lift pump by pouring liquid into the bucket in order to produce sufficient vacuum to enable it to draw.1928A. L. Dyke Aircraft Engine Instructor 217 The idling system also contains an air bleed which serves the..purpose of..contributing to the operation of the priming device.1931M. M. Farleigh Princ. & Probl. Aircraft Engines x. 166 When..continued priming of the cylinders fails to bring about any combustion, the ignition should be checked carefully both for quality of spark and the time of its occurrence.1969W. T. Ingram et al. Gloss. Water & Wastewater Control Engin. 247 Priming,..the action of starting the flow in a pump or siphon.
9. Biol. and Med. (See prime v.1 7.)
1943Jrnl. Endocrinol. III. 270 Pituitary extracts were administered by a series of subcutaneous injections for the purpose of stimulating the follicles (‘priming’).1963Recent Progress Hormone Res. XIX. 673 New external stimuli following the priming are required to release the altered behavior patterns.1967Science 17 Nov. 939/2 Acoustic priming appears to be ineffective before the age of 14 days, corresponding to the normal onset of hearing in mice.1975Behavior Genetics V. 324 This failure of the 17-day-old albino mice to exhibit as great a change in seizure severity as a result of acoustic priming might have been due to their innately elevated auditory thresholds.1978Nature 5 Jan. 10/1 Production of interferon can also be modulated in other ways; pretreatment of cells with small amounts of homologous interferon before addition of an interferon inducer often increases the yield, a phenomenon termed ‘priming’.
10. attrib. and Comb., as priming colour, priming position; priming-box, a box carried at the waist containing priming for cannon, etc.; priming-hole, the touch-hole of a gun or the vent in blasting; priming-horn, (a) a horn containing priming-powder formerly carried by gunners; (b) the powder-horn carried by miners and quarry-men; priming-iron = priming wire; priming-machine, a machine for putting the priming in cartridge-shells or percussion-caps; priming-pan, a small plate in a match-lock or flint-lock gun, for holding the priming; = pan n.1 4 b; priming-powder, = sense 2; detonating or fulminating powder; priming pump Aeronaut., a small pump in an aircraft for priming its engine; priming-tube, a tube containing fulminating powder or some inflammable composition for firing the charge of a cannon; priming-valve, a valve connected with a steam cylinder, to allow water carried over by priming to escape; priming-wire, a sharp pointed wire used in gunnery and blasting to ascertain whether the touch-hole or vent is free and to pierce the cartridge.
1829Marryat F. Mildmay iii, The captains of guns, with their *priming-boxes buckled round their waists.
1609B. Jonson Silent Wom. ii. vi, One o' their faces has not the *priming color laid on yet, nor the other her smocke sleek'd.
1665Phil. Trans. I. 84 The round side, where the *Priming-hole is, being uppermost.1838Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. I. 292/1 If the firing did not succeed, a fresh priming-hole was bored in the tamping.
1625Nomenclator Navalis s.v. Pryming (Harl. MS. 2301) The Gunner hath it [powder] in a greate horne at his girdle in fighte wch horne he calls his *priming horne.1759[W. Windham] Plan Discipl. Norfolk Militia Introd. 9 They had..a priming horn hanging by their side.
1598Barret Theor. Warres iii. i. 34 To be prouided of a *priming iron or wyer.1622F. Markham Bk. War i. ix. 34 His priming-yron, being a small artificiall wiar, with which he shall clense and keepe open the touch⁓hole of his peece.1769Falconer Dict. Marine (1789), Dégorgeoir, the bit or priming-iron of a cannon.
1650R. Stapylton Strada's Low C. Warres ix. 56 With the flash firing the *priming pans of the muskets that lay on heaps.
1833Regul. Instr. Cavalry i. 103 Place the carbine in the *priming position.
1613Fletcher, etc. Captain iv. iii, Now could I grind him into *priming powder.1869Boutell Arms & Arm. (1874) 246 By this contrivance fire is conveyed to the priming-powder by a gun-cock, which holds in its grasp the flint.
1932R. Mahachek Airplane Pilot's Man. vi. 49 On large engines the choke is replaced by a *priming pump which injects fuel directly into the intake system.1942D. M. Crook Spitfire Pilot 79, I..gave the priming pump a couple of strokes, and pressed the starter button.
1598*Priming wyer [see priming iron].1709Conn. Col. Rec. (1890) XV. 565 With a good fire lock, a cartouch box, priming-wire and horn, worm, 3 flints.c1860H. Stuart Seaman's Catech. 4 What is the use of a priming wire? To ascertain if the vent is clear, and the cartridge home.
II. priming, vbl. n.2|ˈpraɪmɪŋ|
[f. prime v.2 3 + -ing1.]
priming of the tides: the acceleration of the tides, or shortening of the interval between corresponding states of the tide, taking place from the neap to the spring tides; opposed to lagging.
1833Herschel Astron. xi. 337 Another effect of the combination of the solar and lunar tides is what is called the priming and lagging of the tides.1867Denison Astron. without Math. 122 The tide of any place is not regularly 49 minutes later every day, as if it obeyed the moon solely, but sometimes..an hour later and sometimes only 38 minutes. This is called the priming and lagging of the tides.
III. priming, vbl. n.3 U.S.|ˈpraɪmɪŋ|
[f. prime v.3 + -ing1.]
The action of removing the lowest leaves, or other layers of leaves, from a tobacco plant; also, the leaves removed.
1899M. L. Floyd Cultivation of Cigar-Leaf Tobacco 14 The first priming, which means the first four leaves taken from the stalk, also the last priming, which means the last four or six leaves taken from the top of the stalk, are kept separate.1904E. Glasgow Deliverance 166 The very primings ought to be as good as some top leaves.1938Daily Progress (Charlottesville, Va.) 21 Oct. 5/1 Following the change from ‘stalk cutting’ to ‘priming’ (cutting of separate leaves for curing in bundles), less heat was required.
IV. priming, ppl. a. Biol. and Med.|ˈpraɪmɪŋ|
[f. prime v.1 + -ing2.]
That primes (see prime v.1 7).
1930Amer. Jrnl. Physiol. XCII. 129 The first test consisted of ‘priming’ injections of two rat units of purified extract into all animals.1940Anat. Rec. LXXVII. 1 Four to 6 month old rabbit does of medium-sized strains were injected subcutaneously..with a priming dose of the gonadotropic material.1975Behavior Genetics V. 324, 24 hr after the priming exposure the pigmented mice show an identically large increase in audiogenic seizures, whereas the albino mice have a lesser increase.




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