

单词 stipendary
释义 stipendary, a. and n. Obs.
Also 6 stypendare.
[f. stipend n. + -ary.]
A. adj. = stipendiary a.
1540Act 32 Hen. VIII, c. 23 §3 All and singulier stipendary preestis.1552–3Inv. Ch. Goods Stafford 84 Rychard Forsett..solde the ornaments of a stypendare prest ther..for the sume of ijs.1584B. R. tr. Herodotus i. 23 The souldiers stipendary.1591–2in Swayne Churchw. Acc. Sarum (1896) 298 Curates stipendary nobles dew for two yeares..13s. 4d.1604Edmonds Observ. Cæsar's Comm. 2 According to the proportion of their stipendary time, as the Equites were admitted Tribunes at fiue yeares, so were the legionarie footmen at ten.1604Bancroft in Neal's Hist. Puritans (1754) I. 435 These are either stipendary curates, or stipendary lecturers, or men beneficed.1612R. Fenton Usury 92 Stipendarie maintenance was first the inuention of that Idolater Micha.1619T. Milles tr. Mexia's etc. Treas. Anc. & Mod. Times II. 336/2 We haue distributed the people gouernd in common by the Cantons of Switzerland, into fiue stipendary Townes, [etc.].
B. n. = stipendiary n.
1530–1Act 22 Hen. VIII, c. 15 §1 All persones Vicars Curates Chauntrie Prestes Stypendaries.1549in Eng. Gilds (1870) 223 All the stipendaryes above wrytton have hadd..ij.s. wekelye ffor theyr dyett.1561Abp. Parker in Cardwell Docum. Ann. (1839) I. 272 Stipendaries, and curates, and all such beneficed men.1584B. R. tr. Herodotus ii. 116 When as..Apryes on the one side with his stipendaries, and on the other side Amasis with an huge army of the ægyptians were come into the City Memphis, they closed battaile.1601? Marston Jack Drums Entert. ii. D 3, As if she knew you more then for a youth, A younger brother, and a stipendary.1625Massinger New Way i. i. (1633) B 4, Money from thee? From a boy? a stipendary? one that liues At the deuotion of a stepmother.1657Sparrow Bk. Com. Prayer (1661) 89 By Curates here are not meant Stipendaries... But all..to whom the Bishop..hath committed the cure of souls.1660Coke Justice Vind. 49 Like a Mercenary stipendary to Lewis the 13...he makes neither King nor People judge of succession.




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