

单词 deodand
释义 deodand|ˈdiːəʊdænd|
[a. AFr. deodande, ad. med.(Anglo-)L. deōdandum, i.e. Deō dandum that is to be given to God.]
A thing forfeited or to be given to God; spec. in Eng. Law, a personal chattel which, having been the immediate occasion of the death of a human being, was given to God as an expiatory offering, i.e. forfeited to the Crown to be applied to pious uses, e.g. to be distributed in alms. (Abolished in 1846.)
[1292Britton i. ii. §14 Volums ausi qe le vessel et quant qe leynz serra trové soit prisé cum deodande et enroule par le Corouner.]1523in W. H. Turner Select. Rec. Oxford 34 The..Chauncelor..shall have deodands.1529More Dyaloge iii. Wks. 235/2 The kynges almoygners, to whome the goodes of such men as kyll themselfe be appoynted by the lawe..as deodandes to be geuen in almes.1613Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 214 If a man being vpon a Cart carrying Faggots..fall downe by the moouing of one of the horses in the Cart, and die of it; both that and all the other horses in the Cart, and the Cart it selfe, are forfeit. And these are called Deodands.1627Sir R. Boyle Diary (1886) II. 222 [A] boat..being forfeicted to me for a deodant.1705Hickeringill Priest-cr. i. (1721) 42 The Sinners did bequeath these Estates..to Ecclesiastical Locusts and Caterpillars, calling them Deodands, or given to God, that's the Priest-craft Word.1755Gentl. Mag. XXV. 232 The inquest..brought in their verdict accidental death by an ox, and found the ox a deodand.1765Blackstone Comm. I. 302 If a man falls from a boat or ship in fresh water, and is drowned, it hath been said, that the vessel and cargo are in strictness of law a deodand.1827Gentl. Mag. XCVII. ii. 13 Apprehensive that the diamonds, if they entered the church, might be claimed as a deodand to the altar.1845Stephen Laws Eng. II. 551. 1882 Times 3 Aug. 7/4 Deodands are also things of the past.
b. loosely. The amount to be forfeited as the value of a deodand.
1831E. J. Trelawny Adv. Younger Son I. 58 The master without appealing to me, laid a deodand on the gun.1838Mech. Mag. XXIX. 368 The jury levy a deodand of {pstlg}1500, upon the boiler or steam engine of the Victoria.1842Ibid. XXXVI. 6 Deodand after deodand has been imposed by honest and indignant juries.




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