

单词 stogy
释义 stogy, a. and n. U.S.|ˈstəʊgɪ|
Now freq. stogie. Also stoga, stoggie.
[Orig. stoga, short for Conestoga, the name of a town in Pennsylvania, used attrib. in Conestoga wagon (see Thornton American Glossary).
It is alleged that stoga boots and stoga cigars were so called because they were used by the ‘stoga drivers’, i.e. the drivers of the Conestoga wagons plying between Wheeling and Pittsburgh.]
A. adj. The distinctive epithet
a. of a rough heavy kind of boots or shoes;
b. of a long, slender, roughly made kind of cigar or cheroot.
a.1847Joel Palmer Jrnl. 117 (Thornton Amer. Gloss.) [I bought] a pair of stoga shoes, made in one of the eastern states.1859A. Cary Pict. Country Life 102, I want for you to make me a pair of tip-top stogy boots.1876Davis Polaris Exp. App. 669, 1 case men's stoga boots.1892Gunter Miss Dividends (1893) 185 Stoggie boots aren't quite as nice as patent-leathers.
b.1903Farmer & Henley Slang VI. 373/2 Stogy-cigar, a rough coarse cigar.1930J. Omwake Conestoga Six-Horse Bell Teams 118 The Conestoga wagon gives its name to the Stogie cigar, a great thin coarse one, supposed to have been originally a foot long and made for the delectation of the wagoner.
B. n.
a. A ‘stogy’ boot.
b. A ‘stogy’ cigar.
a.1853Putnam's Mag. July 31 Boot and shoe, pump and stoga, coming to that [sc. the gutter] at last.1892Dialect Notes (Amer. Dial. Soc.) I. 229 Kentucky Words{ddd}Conostogas:..brogans. (In Michigan ‘stogies’.)1908Gunter Prince Karl vii. 296 Rawdon cried: ‘We've heard enough of you!’ and with his own stogie kicked out the soap box from under the little desperado's feet.
b.1873J. O'Connor Wanderings of Vagabond 52 After the lunch liquors and cigars (red-eye and stogies), the best the place afforded, were introduced by the host.1892Dialect Notes (Amer. Dial. Soc.) I. 237 Notes from Missouri{ddd}Stogies,..cheap cigars.1897Kipling Capt. Cour. i. 6 ‘It would take more'n this to keel me over,’ he said, ignorant that he was lighting that terrible article, a Wheeling ‘stogie’.1902Daily Record 21 July 2 Stogies, Tobies and other cigars of a cheroot style.1916C. Sandburg Chicago Poems 47 He lighted a three-for-a-nickel stogie.1930J. Dos Passos 42nd Parallel 19 He was smoking a thin black stogy of a sort Fainy had never seen before.1957V. Packard Hidden Persuaders ix. 103 The man who puffs on his cigar is sucking his thumb while the man who chews vigorously on his stogie is a nail biter.




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