

单词 deputyship
释义 ˈdeputyship
[f. deputy n. + -ship.]
The office, term of office, or position of a deputy.
1577–87Holinshed Chron. III. 1079/2 Richard Beauchampe earle of Warwike..being..deputie for John duke of Bedford (being regent of France) did..obteine manie castels in his deputieship.1624Capt. J. Smith Virginia v. 190 They would not be gouernlesse when his Deputiship was expired.1765Cowper Let. to J. Hill 8 Nov., I heartily wish him joy of his deputyship.1881Mrs. Oliphant Harry Joscelyn II. 281 The state into which his work must have got, but for the strenuous and anxious deputyship of his clerk.




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