

单词 derfly
释义 I. ˈderfly, a. Obs.
[? f. derf a. + -ly1: cf. ON. djarfligr bold, daring.]
Grievous, terrible, dreadful; = derf a. 3.
a1300Cursor M. 1143 (Cott.) Þi derfli dede has liknes nan.Ibid. 7182 To derfly ded þai suld him bring.
II. ˈderfly, adv. Obs.
Forms: see derf a.
[f. derf a. + -ly2. Cf. ON. djarfliga boldly.]
1. Boldly; fiercely.
c1200Ormin 9752 Forrþi toc hem Sannt Iohann Deorrf⁓like to begrippen.c1220Bestiary 411 For to winnen fode derflike wiðuten dred.c1340Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 2334 How þat doȝty dredles deruely þer stondez.a1400–50Alexander 2942 Þan has ser Dary dedeyne, & derfely [Dublin MS. darfly] he lokes.
2. Forcibly, violently.
c1200Ormin 16195 Þatt tuss derrfliche drifesst alle þis follc ut off þiss minstre.c1340Cursor M. 19712 (Edin.) Þai toke þair rede derueli [v.r. derfli] do him to þe dede.c1400Melayne 1033 So darfely bothe thaire dynttis thay driste.1535Stewart Cron. Scot. I. 41 Eolus..In Yrland cost rycht darflie did thame dryve.a1605Polwart Flyting w. Montgomerie 542 To dreadfull dolour dearfly or ȝe dryue him.
b. Quickly, promptly.
c1325E.E. Allit. P. B. 1641 Derfly þenne Danyel deles þyse wordes.a1400–50Alexander 3006 Derfly on þe toþir day a douth he assembles.c1475Rauf Coilȝear 798 To the Montane he maid him full boun..Derflie ouir Daillis.
3. Grievously, terribly.
a1225Ancr. R. 114 Þus was Iesu Crist..in alle his fif wittes derfliche ipined.a1400Morte Arth. 3278 And there-fore derflyche I am dampnede for ever!




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