

单词 derogatory
释义 derogatory, a. and n.|dɪˈrɒgətərɪ|
[ad. L. dērogātōri-us, f. dērogātor: see prec. and -ory. Cf. F. dérogatoire (1341 in Hatzf.).]
A. adj.
1. Having the character of derogating, of taking away or detracting from authority, rights, or standing, of impairing in force or effect. Const. to, from ( of).
1502–3Plumpton Corr. 174 Not intending to have his grant derogatorie unto justice.1638Chillingw. Relig. Prot. i. vi. §4. 326 If you conceive such a prayer derogatory from the perfection of your faith.1637–50Row Hist. Kirk (1842) 501 That none be chosen, or no course be taken derogatory thereto.1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. xiv. §12. 221 Provided there be nothing contain'd in the Law..derogatory from his supreme power.1730Swift Drapier's Lett. ii. Rep. Comm. Whiteh., A just..exercise of your..royal prerogative, in no manner derogatory or invasive of any liberties.1788V. Knox Winter Even. II. iv. x. 60 An opinion derogatory from the value of life.1825Scott Talism. xx, Incidents mortifying to his pride, and derogatory from his authority.1863H. Cox Instit. i. vi. 34 This Act was annulled as derogatory to the King's just rights.
2. Having the effect of lowering in honour or estimation; depreciatory, disparaging, disrespectful, lowering.
1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1596) 1/2 The 2nd [was] derogatorie to kings and emperors.1592Nashe P. Penilesse (ed. 2) 13 a, All holy Writ warrants that delight, so it be not derogatory to any part of Gods owne worship.1776Sir J. Reynolds Disc. vii. (1876) 48 Who probably would think it derogatory to their character, to be supposed to borrow.1838–9Hallam Hist. Lit. III. iv. iii. §34. 151 It would be..derogatory to a man of the slightest claim to polite letters, were he unacquainted with the essays of Bacon.1839James Louis XIV, I. 292 Conduct..derogatory to his rank.1849Dickens Dav. Copp. (C.D. ed.) 181 To have imposed any derogatory work upon him.1860Farrar Orig. Lang. (1865) 40 What plans are consonant to, and what are derogatory of God's..Infinite Wisdom.
3. derogatory clause: a clause in a legal document, a will, deed, etc., by which the right of subsequently altering or cancelling it is abrogated, and the validity of a later document, doing this, is made dependent on the correct repetition of the clause and its formal revocation. Obs.
1528in Strype Eccl. Mem. I. App. xxx. 89 As doth appear by composition made..and also confirmed by Boniface the IV..with clauses derogatory.1590Swinburne Testaments 266 What maner of reuocation is to be made in the second testament, that it may suffice to reuoke the former testament, wherein is a clause derogatorie of the will of the testator.a1626Bacon Max. & Uses Com. Law xix. (1636) 70 A derogatory clause is good to disable any latter act, except you revoke the same clause before you proceed to establish any later disposition or declaration.
B. n. Obs. rare—0.
1611Cotgr., Derogatoire, a derogatorie, or act of derogation.




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