

单词 despiteously
释义 deˈspiteously, adv.
[f. prec. + -ly2.]
In a despiteous manner, with despite: a. Contemptuously; insultingly. b. With bitter ill-will or enmity; spitefully, cruelly, pitilessly, mercilessly.
[c1400(MS. p. 1450) Destr. Troy 4744 The grekes..With speris full dispitiously spurnit at the yates.]c1450Merlin 257 Eche of hem hurte and wounded other dispiteously.1500–20Dunbar ‘Amang ther freiris’ 29 Thai..Dispituouslie syne did him smyt.1529More Comf. agst. Trib. i. Wks. 1164/2 That so dispiteously put hym to hys payne.1563Sackville Compl. Dk. Buckhm. xxvi, Howe Lord Hastings..Dispiteously was murdered and opprest.1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. viii. (1632) 561 Whom..he had caused to bee dispiteously dragged at horse-heeles.a1641Bp. R. Montagu Acts & Mon. (1642) 26 The Devill, out of malice and envie, had despiteously empoysoned all mankind.1808Scott Marm. v. xxi, Lord Marmion said despiteously.1885Sat. Rev. 18 July 87 We should be sorry to be thought to write despiteously of Sir Philip Perring.




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