

单词 detrude
释义 detrude, v.|dɪˈtruːd|
[ad. L. dētrūdĕre to thrust away or down, f. de- I. 1, 2 + trūdĕre to thrust.]
1. trans. To thrust, push, or force down. (lit. and fig.)
1548Hall Chron., Rich. III, an. 3 (R.) And theim to cast and detrude sodaynly into continual captiuitie and bondage.1638Sir T. Herbert Trav. (ed. 2) 216 His wife Semiramys detruded him into prison.1644H. Parker Jus Pop. 51 This want detrudes them into a condition below beasts.1728–46Thomson Spring 567 The torpid sap, detruded to the root By wintry winds.1885W. Roberts Treat. Urinary Dis. iii. xiv. (ed. 4) 673 The right kidney..could be detruded downwards.
2. To thrust out or away; to expel or repel forcibly. (lit. and fig.)
1555Abp. Parker Ps. xxxviii. 109 Detrude me not.a1575Diurn. Occurrents (1833) 152 [They] detrudit the ministarie of Goddis word.1627–77Feltham Resolves ii. lvi. 274 To be detruded Heaven for his meerly pride and malice.1664Power Exp. Philos. ii. 138 The included Ayr..striving to dilate itself, detrudes the Quicksilver.1751Harris Hermes ii. iii. (1786) 266 Not a word..is detruded from its proper place.1847Todd Cycl. Anat. IV. 83/2 Tartar..sometimes detrudes this [tooth] from its socket.




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