

单词 deuteranope
释义 deuteranope Ophthalm.|ˈdjuːtərənəʊp|
[a. G. deuteranope (J. von Kries 1897, in Zeitschr. f. Psychol. d. Sinnesorgane XIII. 248), f. deutero- + Gr. priv. ἀν- + ὤψ eye.]
One who is green-blind. So deuteraˈnopia, green-blindness.
1901Baldwin Dict. Philos. I. 274 Deuteranopia,..the name proposed by v. Kries for what was formerly called green-blindness.1902Ibid. II. 787 The wave-length which corresponds to the colourless sensation, W, is different for the two sorts of colour-defectives, proteranopes and deuteranopes.1937Nature 10 July 49/1 A diagnosis can be made from the tables of dichromasy in general, and of protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia in particular.1962H. C. Weston Sight, Light & Work (ed. 2) i. 18 The green-blind are called ‘deuteranopes’.




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