

单词 streatch
释义 I. streat, n. Obs.
Forms: 5 streete, strete, 6 streate, streitte, streicte, streyte, strette.
[Aphetic variant of estreat n.]
= estreat n. 1 and 2. Also attrib. as streat-office.
c1440Promp. Parv. 480/1 Streete catchepol bok to gader by mercymentys.1451Paston Lett. Suppl. 34 Blake was atte London on Thursday and herd no word of the stretes.1467in Eng. Gilds (1870) 400 Alle suche issues so forfet by defaute to be written out in stretys.1479Ibid. 421 Ther⁓upon the seide Toune clerk to make vp his Stretys vnto the Baillifs.1507in Sel. Cases Star Chamber (Selden Soc.) 257 He..retaynyth the Court Rolls..and also the Streittes of the same Courtes.1538in Reg. Priory St. Bees (Surtees) 486 All mercyamentes and fynys in ye strettes of ye graves marcyell in ye courtes of sanct Bees.a1547in J. R. Boyle Hedon (1875) App. 73 The maiore or chamberlains or any other officer that hathe anye streictes, rentalles, or bookes.c1550Ibid. App. 85 All accyons that comes to your handes ye shall enttare and make owt your streytes of the same.a1601Sir T. Fanshawe Pract. Exch. (1658) 93 He certifieth into the Clerke of the Streate office Yearly in the Exchequer, all the Kings moities recovered.
II. streat, v. Obs.
Also 7 streit.
Aphetic form of estreat v.
a1601Sir T. Fanshawe Pract. Exch. (1658) 53 The Lord Treasurors Remembrancer..hath his Office cheifly established upon the execution of the originall, save for the great accounts, the Customers, controllers and searchers, that is yearly streated to him out of the Chancerie.1605Southampton Crt. Leet Rec. (1907) I. 427 Manie thinhabitants..were absent at the lawdaye... [Margin adds] To be streited.1808W. Herbert Ella Rosenberg I. 136 ‘No!’ exclaimed the count... ‘I will remain in my castle. If I perish here, at least they will not streate my castle from my posterity!’
III. streat(e, streatch
see street, stretch v.




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