

单词 stria
释义 stria|ˈstraɪə|
Pl. striæ |ˈstraɪiː|.
[L. stria a furrow, flute of a column. Cf. F. strie.]
1. Arch. A fillet between the flutes of columns, pilasters, and the like.
The accepted sense among architects, both French and English; but app. due to misunderstanding of Vitruvius, who uses the word for a flute of a column, or a facet of a column of polygonal section.
1563Shute Architect. D j b, The fifth parte is for Striæ, which are also called Femora.1664Evelyn tr. Freart's Parallel Archit. etc. 130 The Striæ..are those plain spaces between the Flutings in the Ionic, Doric, Corinthian and Composed Orders.Ibid., The Stria being commonly a third or fourth part of the widness of the Flutings, and diminishing with the Contraction of the Scapus, unless the Shaft be very high.1771W. Newton tr. Vitruvius' Archit. iv. iii. (1791) 78 The columns are to be wrought in twenty striæ, which, if made flat, form twenty angles, but, if they are hollowed, they are to be thus performed.1836Parker Gloss. Archit. (1850) I. 449.
2. a. Chiefly in scientific use. A small groove, channel, or ridge; a narrow streak, stripe, or band of distinctive colour, structure, or texture; esp. one of two or of a series.
1673Ray Journ. Low C. 341 Rayes or ribs of stone (answering to the ridges or striæ of a cochle-shell).1681Grew Musæum i. §5. iii. 113 The Scales..of the same Fish..have a great many exceeding small Striæ.1698T. Molyneux in Phil. Trans. XX. 220 Nor can there be observed Rays, Furroughs, Striæ or any manner of Lines running along its [Giant's Causeway stone] Superficies.1728Woodward Nat. Hist. Fossils i. I. 229 Three Crusts of an Hæmatites, adhering to each other, and cross'd with fine small Striæ.1731Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Malva, Each little Lodge appears most artificially jointed within the corresponding Striæ or Channels.1783M. Cutler in Life, Jrnls. & Corr. (1888) II. 208 This vapor was of a bright color, without any tincture of red, and striated with very fine striæ.1815Stephens in Shaw's Gen. Zool. IX. i. 31 Neck on both sides with two striæ.1823W. Phillips Introd. Min. (ed. 3) p. xcv, The slight channels occasionally observable on the planes of crystallized minerals are termed striæ.1860Tyndall Glac. i. vii. 56 The dirt upon the surface of the ice was arranged in striæ.1873T. H. Green Introd. Pathol. (ed. 2) 55 In hearts less affected, striæ of fat will be seen lying amongst the muscle.1875Bennett & Dyer Sachs' Bot. 29 The one system, consisting of parallel striæ, is always cut by the other system, which also consists of parallel striæ.
b. Path. A linear hæmorrhagic macula.
1855Dunglison Med. Lex., Vibices,..Striæ,..large purple spots, like the marks produced by the strokes of a whip, which appear under the skin in certain malignant fevers.
c. Glass-manuf. An imperfection in the form of a streak or band.
1832G. R. Porter Porcelain & Glass 248 Striæ are undulating appearances, perfectly vitrified, and equally transparent with any other part of the glass; they..result from a want of congruity in the composition of the particles which make up the substance.1867–77G. F. Chambers Astron. vii. viii. 723 Air-bubbles, sand-holes, striæ, scratches [in the lens] are no doubt undesirable.
d. Electr. Each of the alternate bright and dark bands observed in vacuum-tubes (Geissler tubes) upon the passage of an electrical discharge.
1859Phil. Trans. R. Soc. CXLVIII. 3 The discharge did not exhibit the uniform white light of the Torricellian vacuum, but striæ in confused or irregular forms.1881Spottiswoode in Nature 6 Oct. 549/2 When the pressure is considerably reduced, these blocks are replaced by the beautiful system of flakes or ‘striæ’ delineated.Ibid. 550/2 As the exhaustion proceeds the striæ become more and more separated... At first mere flakes of light, they gradually increase in thickness.1883[see striated ppl. a. 1 e].1893Sloane Electr. Dict. 496 In Geissler tubes the light produced by the electric discharge is filled with striæ, bright bands alternating with dark spaces; these may be termed electric striæ.
e. Med. Also stria atrophica [mod.L. atrophica (see atrophic a.)]. A stretch mark; stria gravidarum [L., gen. pl. of gravida pregnant woman], one on a pregnant woman, usu. darker than the surrounding skin; stria albicans (pl. stria albicantes) [L., pres. pple. of albicāre to make or be white], a former stria gravidarum that has become light-coloured following delivery.
1867Jrnl. Cutaneous Med. I. 142 None of the early writers have alluded to any other cause of the striae atrophicae than over-distension.1880Trans. Amer. Gynecol. Soc. IV. 141 These cicatrices are usually described as red or white shining striæ, marking the skin..of pregnant and multiparous women.1884R. & F. Barnes Syst. Obstetric Med. & Surg. I. viii. 294 Striæ gravidarum.1906T. W. Eden Man. Midwifery 1. 51 Striæ gravidarum appear on the abdominal wall... They are pearly..when recent, but afterwards they become pale and silvery (striæ albicantes).1968D. C. Bethea Introd. Maternity Nursing iii. 25 Thin, red streaks, called striae gravidarum, occur on the breasts of some pregnant women.1970C. Lerch Maternity Nursing v. 61/2 In subsequent pregnancies new striae appear in addition to the silvery white markings of the previous pregnancy.




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