

单词 dildo
释义 I. dildo1
Also dildoe.
a. A word of obscure origin, used in the refrains of ballads.
Also, a name of the penis or phallus, or a figure thereof; spec. an artificial penis used for female gratification; the lingam of Hindu worship; formerly, also, a contemptuous or reviling appellation of a man or lad; and app. applied to a cylindrical or ‘sausage’ curl.
c1593T. Nashe Choise of Valentines or the Merie Ballad of Nash his Dildo (1899) 20 Curse Eunuke dilldo, senceless counterfet.1598Florio Worlde of Wordes 261/3 Pastinaca muranese, a dildoe of glasse.Ibid. 278/2 Pinco, a prick, a pillicock, a pintle, a dildoe.1610B. Jonson Alch. v. iii, Here I find..The seeling fill'd with poesies of the candle: And Madame, with a Dildo, writ o' the walls.1611Shakes. Wint. T. iv. iv. 195 He has the prettiest Loue-songs for Maids..with such delicate burthens of Dildo's and Fadings.a1627Middleton Chaste Maid i. ii, What, has he got a singing in his head now? Now's out of work he falls to making dildoes.1638Ford Fancies iv. i, This page a milk-livered dildoe.1647Parl. Ladies 12 The very sight of this Madam with a Dildoe..put the House into a great silence.c1650Roxb. Ball. II. 455 She prov'd herself a Duke's daughter, and he but a Squire's son. Sing trang dildo lee.1656S. Holland Zara (1719) 41 That Gods may view, With a dildo-doe, What we bake, and what we brew.1659Torriano, Bacillo..a simple gull, a shallow pate, also a dill-doe, or pillie-cock.1661R. W. Conf. Charac. To Rdr. (1860) 7 O thou faint-hearted dildo.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 463/2 A Campaign Wig hath Knots or Bobs (or a Dildo on each side) with a curled Forehead.1698Fryer Acc. E. India 179 Under the Banyan Tree, an Altar with a Dildo in the middle being erected, they offer Rice.1785Grose Dict. Vulgar T. s.v., Dildoes are made of wax, horn, leather, and diverse other substances.1886Burton Arab. Nts. X. 239 Of the penis succedaneus,..which the Latins called phallus and fascinum, the French godemiché and the Italians passatempo and diletto (whence our ‘dildo’), every kind abounds.1952Auden Nones 11 The nude young male who lounges Against a rock displaying his dildo.1965New Statesman 9 Apr. 570/2 Why does it matter so much to them whether lesbians use a dildo or not?
b. Comb. dildo-glass, a cylindrical glass; ? a test-tube.
c1625Fletcher Nice Valour iii. i, Whoever lives to see me Dead, gentlemen, shall find me all mummy, Good to fill galipots, and long dildo-glasses.
II. dildo2
[prob. the same word as prec., from its cylindrical form like a ‘dildo-glass’.]
A tree or shrub of the genus Cereus (family Cactaceæ). Also dildo-tree, dildo-bush, dildo pear tree.
1672W. Hughes Amer. Physitian 43 The Tree was long since called by the Spaniards, and by the Negroes that lived there, the Dildoe-Tree; and the English retain the same name still.1696Phil. Trans. XIX. 296 The Dildoe-tree is the same with the Cereus or Torch-Plant.1697W. Dampier Voy. I. 81 Barren Islands without any Tree, only some Dildo-bushes growing on them.Ibid. 101 The Dildoe-tree is a green prickly shrub, that grows about 10 or 12 foot high, without either Leaf or Fruit. It is as big as a mans Leg, from the root to the top, and it is full of sharp prickles, growing in thick rows.1700W. King Transactioneer 11 The Toddy-Tree, the Sower-Sop, the Bonavists, and the Dildoe.1756P. Browne Nat. Hist. Jamaica (1789) 238 The larger erect Indian Fig, or Dildo Pear Tree.1926Fawcett & Rendle Flora of Jamaica V. 279 C[ereus] peruvianus... Dildo. Dry parts of Jamaica on southern side.1956J. Hearne Stranger at Gate xix. 156 It's like getting a dildo thorn out of your foot.




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