

单词 dilection
释义 dilection Obs.|dɪˈlɛkʃən|
Also 5–6 dy-, 6 de-.
[a. F. dilection (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. dīlectiōn-em love (of God, etc.) (Tertullian, Vulgate), n. of action from dīligĕre to select to oneself from others, to esteem highly, hold dear, love; f. di-, dis- (dis- 1) + legĕre to gather, cull, choose.]
1. Love, affection: almost always, spiritual or Christian love, or the love of God to man or of man to God; cf. charity 1.
1388Wyclif Rev. Prol., Ion, the apostil and euangelist of oure Lord Ihesu Crist, chosen and loued, in so gret loue of dileccioun is had.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 851 Frenship, adieu; farewele, dileccioun.c1485Digby Myst. iii. 1323 His desypylles..to hym had dyleccyon.c1520Wyse Chyld & Emp. Adrian (1860) 15 They were by dyleccion all of one hart and of one wyll.1623Favine Theat. Hon. ix. vi. 399 In token of love and Brotherly dilection.1683E. Hooker Pref. Ep. Pordage's Mystic Div. 56 This dilection, love, charitie towards God, and towards His Image, man.
2. The action of choosing, choice (of that on which one's desire or affection is set); esp. in Theol. = election 3.
c1450Henryson Mor. Fab. 62 And when the saul Giues consent vnto delection, The wicked thought beginnes for to breird In deadly sinne.1633T. Adams Exp. 2 Peter ii. 12 We are adjured by our election, selection, dilection, to be merciful.1656Jeanes Fuln. Christ 51 Christ is the only begotten son of God, not by dilection, but by eternall generation.
3. Used by Carlyle to render Ger. liebden as a title of honour.
1864Carlyle Fredk. Gt. (1865) IV. xi. v. 81 These things We expect from your Dilection, as Kurfürst of Brandenburg.1865Ibid. VII. xvii. iv. (1873) 37 [I] apprise your dilection, though under deepest secrecy.




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