

单词 diluvy
释义 diˈluvy Obs.
Forms: 4–5 deluuy(e, diluuy, 4–6 di-, dyluuye, -ie.
[ad. L. dīluvi-um deluge: see prec. and cf. diluve.]
= deluge n.
a1325Prose Psalter xlv[i]. 4 Þe deluuy [mispr. deluuþ] gladeþ þe hous of heuen, þe almyȝtful halwed Noe and his.1382Wyclif 2 Pet. ii. 5 Bringynge in the diluuye, or greet flood, to the world of vnpitouse men.c1393Chaucer Scogan 14 Þu causist þis deluuye of pestelence.c1400Mandeville (Roxb.) xxiv. 109 Þir three sonnes of Noe after þe diluuy parted amanges þam all þe erthe.1546Bale Eng. Votaries i. (1550) 9 b, Suche vnspeakable fylthynesse..as brought vpon them the great dyluuye or vnyuersall flod.




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