

单词 disacquaint
释义 disaˈcquaint, v. ? Obs.
[f. dis- 6 + acquaint v.]
trans. To make no longer acquainted; to estrange; to render unfamiliar (quot. 1567). Hence disaˈcquainted ppl. a.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Luke xvi. 16 Ye must now disacquaint and estraunge yourselfes from the sour old wine of Moses lawe.1567Drant Horace' Epist. vi. D j, Seeke how to chase that griefe awaye to make it disaquainted.1635Quarles Emblems i. viii. (1718) 33 When disacquainted sense becomes a stranger, And takes no knowledge of an old disease.1677Hale Contempl. ii. 89 This kind of dealing..will in a little time dis-acquaint the Soul with them, and make the Soul and them strangers one to another.




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