

单词 subdelegate
释义 I. subˈdelegate, n.|-ət|
[f. sub- 6 + delegate, after AF., OF. subdelegat, med.L. subdēlegātus; cf. OF. sousdelegat, F. sous délégué.]
One who represents, or is deputy for, a delegate.
c1550Rolland Crt. Venus i. 215 Sa that thow mak me thy subdelegat.1592Sc. Acts Jas. VI, (1814) III. 557/2 The said mr of the mettallis..and his sub-delegattis..to be appointit be him.1668Lond. Gaz. No. 251/3 The Sub⁓deligate from the Marquiss Castel Rodrigo on the behalf of Spain.1752Carte Hist. Eng. III. 320 Brooks, bishop of Gloucester, sitting as the pope's Subdelegate.1794Gifford Reign Louis XVI, 309 What then have they asked?—the suppression of aides and subdelegates.1904Pollard Cranmer xii. 350 The subdelegate's court was opened in the Church of St. Mary.
II. subˈdelegate, v.|-eɪt|
[f. sub- 8, 9 + delegate v. after F. subdéléguer or med.L. subdēlegāre.]
trans. To appoint (a person) to act as a subdelegate; to transmit (power) to a subdelegate.
1611Cotgr., Subdeleguer, to subdelegate, substitute, appoint another vnder him.a1670Hacket Cent. Serm. 354 All power and royalty is subdelegated from the Pope to other princes.1891Spectator 21 Feb., The ruler..delegates his power, which is again sub-delegated.
So subˈdelegate pa. pple. and ppl. a., subˈdelegated ppl. a.
1614Selden Titles Hon. 252 Iudges of mean note sub⁓delegat by inferior Counts.1706Phillips (ed. Kersey), Sub-Delegate, or Judge Sub-Delegate, a Judge appointed under another; a Deputy.1709Lond. Gaz. No. 4517/3 The Subdelegate Ministers of the Imperial Commission.1726Ayliffe Parergon 310 A sub-delegated Judge, to whom only some part of the mesne Process in a Cause is committed in the second Place by a delegated Judge.




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