

单词 subduce
释义 subˈduce, v. Obs.
[ad. L. subdūcĕre, f. sub- sub- 26 + dūcĕre to lead, bring.]
1. trans. To take away, withdraw (lit. and fig.).
1626Bp. Hall Contempl., O.T. xx. iv, Else, had the chyld beene secretly subduced, and missed by his bloodie grand⁓mother.1632Hard Texts Matt. xxviii. 20 Howsoever my bodily presence shall be subduced from you.1664Owen Vind. Animadv. xvi. 422 No small part of the Territories of many Princes is subduced from under their power.a1761Law Comf. Weary Pilgrim (1809) 55 They wanted not to have..their covetousness and sensuality to be subduced by a new nature from heaven derived into them.
b. To withdraw from allegiance; = seduce v. 1.
a1578Lindesay Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) II. 297 [He] had subducit with his gould the men of weir that keipit the castell.
c. refl. (occas. intr.) To withdraw oneself or itself from a place or society, from allegiance, etc.; to escape from; to secede.
1542Becon Pathw. Prayer ii. B vj b, It shalbe expedient for such as intende to exercyse prayer..to subduce & conuaye them selues from the company of the worldely people into some secrete..place.1610Bp. Hall Apol. Brownists §7 You have separated from this Church..: If Christ haue taken away his word and Spirit [from it], you have justly subduced.1636T. Goodwin Child of Light (1643) 112 A man can no way avoid his suggestions, nor subduce himself from them.a1656Bp. Hall Specialities Life Rem. Wks. (1660) 21, I subduced myself speedily from their presence.a1660Hammond 19 Serm. xiv. Wks. 1684 IV. 658 For never was the earth so peevish, as to..subduce it self from its [sc. the sun's] rayes.
2. To subtract, as a mathematical operation.
1571Digges Pantom. i. xviii. F b, Subduce the first distance from the third.1588A. King tr. Canisius' Catech. h vij, Thane subduce ye haill frome ye nombre of ye dayes of yat moneth.a1676Hale Prim. Orig. Man. 106 If out of that supposed infinite multitude of antecedent Generation, we should by the Operation of the Understanding subduce Ten.
3. To bring, lead into. rare.
1609Tourneur Funeral Poem Sir F. Vere 278 Offences done against his owne estate..have oftentimes Subduc'd the malefactors for those crimes Into the hands of justice.
Hence subˈducing vbl. n., withdrawal.
1633Bp. Hall Hard Texts Neh. vi. 11 By weake subducing of my selfe, and hiding my head in the Temple.a1660Hammond 19 Serm. xi. Wks. 1684 IV. 636 A cowardly, pusillanimous subducing of ones self.




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