

单词 discuss
释义 I. discuss, v.|dɪˈskʌs|
Forms: 4–7 discusse, (4–5 discuse, 5–6 dyscus(se, 6 diskousse, pa. pple. discust, 7 discus), 7– discuss.
[f. L. discuss- ppl. stem of discut-ĕre to dash or shake to pieces, agitate, disperse, dispel, drive away; in late L. and Romanic to discuss, investigate: see discute. App. the L. pa. pple. discussus was first Englished as discussed (in Hampole c 1340, also Anglo Fr. discussé, 1352, in Statutes of the Realm I. 328), and discuss thence taken as the verb.]
1. trans. To drive away, dispel, disperse, scatter. lit. and fig. Obs.
c1374Chaucer Boeth. i. metr. iii. 9 When þat nyȝt was discussed and chased awey, derknesses forleften me.1532More Confut. Tindale Wks. 401/2 They wil clerely dissipate and discusse the myst.1651J. F[reake] Agrippa's Occ. Philos. 17 The Northern Wind, fierce and roaring, and discussing clouds.
b. To shake off; also to set free, loosen. Obs.
a1541Wyatt Poet. Wks. (1861) 201 To loose, and to discuss The sons of death out from their deadly bond.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. i. 48 All regard of shame she had discust, And meet respect of honor putt to flight.
c. To put off, remove (dress). Obs. rare.
1640H. Glapthorne Hollander iv. Wks. (1874) I. 138 Now Cosen Sconce, you must discusse your doublet.
2. Med. To dissipate, dispel, or disperse (humours, tumours or obstructions). arch.
1533Elyot Cast. Helthe iv. i. (1539) 77 a, To rubbe them agayne with some oyle, that dothe open the poores, and dyscusse the vapours.1597Gerarde Herbal i. xx. (1633) 28 To discusse hard swellings in womens brests.1684tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. iii. 103 Of all edibles Garlick discusses wind most.1751Johnson Rambler No. 130 ⁋5 A pomade..of virtue to discuss pimples.1804Abernethy Surg. Obs. 35 Three diseased lymphatic glands..resisted the attempts which had been made to discuss them.
b. intr. (for refl.) To disperse, pass away.
1758J. S. Le Dran's Observ. Surg. (1771) 228 If the Erysipelas does not discuss, the Membrane falls into Putrefaction.
3. trans. To examine or investigate (a matter); to try (as a judge). Obs.
1340Hampole Pr. Consc. 2415 We may noght fle, Until al our lyf examynd be, And alle our dedys, bathe gude and ille, Be discussed, after Goddes wille.Ibid. 6247 Crist, at his last commyng, Sal in dome sitte and discusse alle thyng.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 141, I bileue, if..he wole wisely discussen alle þe opynyons of auctouris, þat he schal seen [etc.].c1450tr. De Imitatione i. xiv, In demyng oþir men, a man laboriþ in veyn..but in demying & discussyng a man self, euere he laboriþ fruytuously.1535Act 27 Hen. VIII, c. 27 Anie matter or cause depending or to be discussed in the same courte.1555Eden Decades 13 They haue onely discussed that superficiall parte of the earth which lyeth betwene the Ilandes of Gades and the ryuer of Ganges.1613Sir H. Finch Law (1636) 479 A Supersedeas to stay execution till the error be discussed.
4. To settle or decide (as a judge). Obs.
c1381Chaucer Parl. Foules 624 Sith it may not here discussed be Who loveth her best.1486Henry VII at York in Surtees Misc. (1890) 55 To discuse up in conscience ich judiciall cace.1551Robinson tr More's Utop. (Arb.) 22, As an vmpier or a Iudge, with my sentence finallye to discusse.1587Golding De Mornay vii. 88 This vaine disputing whether of them was the first; which question the holy scripture will discusse in one word Yea, and nature it selfe also will discusse it.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 123 Which etymologie seemeth to me not improbable..But..we leave that to be discussed by others.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. (1797) VII. 192, I make no doubt but that in a day or two this troublesome business may be discussed.
b. absol. To decide (of). Obs.
1514Barclay Cyt. & Uplondyshm. (Percy Soc.) 32 Why sholde thyng mortall of endeles thyng dyscus.1628Gaule Pract. Th. (1629) 50 Pryingly to sift out, and peremptorily to discusse of the inscrutable Nature and Being of Christ.
5. To make known, declare, pronounce. Obs.
(The history and place of this sense are not clear.)
1389in Eng. Gilds (1870) 726 No brother no sister ne shalle discuse þe counseil of þis fraternite to no straungere.1480Miracle Plays (ed. Pollard 1890) 63 Lord thi rythwysnesse here dyscus.1520Caxton's Chron. Eng. iii. 19/2 [Daniel] dyscussed the dreames of the kynge.1598Shakes. Merry W. i. iii. 104, I will discusse the humour of this Loue to Ford.1599Hen. V, iv. iv. 5 Art thou a Gentleman? What is thy Name? discusse.Ibid. 30 Discusse the same in French vnto him.1632Lithgow Trav. ix. 379 Time discussing you A miracle of Mettall.
6. To investigate or examine by argument; to sift the considerations for and against; to debate. (Now the ordinary sense.)
c1450[see discussing vbl. n.].1530Rastell Bk. Purgat. iii. vii. 2 Wherby man knowith the good from the evell, dyscussyng the thynge by argumentes.1553T. Wilson Rhet. (1580) 1 Rhetorique is an arte to set forthe..any cause, called in contention, that maie through reason largely be discussed.1662Stillingfl. Orig. Sacr. i. ii. §3 Who that Jerombaal was, is much discussed among learned men.1720Gay Poems (1745) I. 238 We've business To discuss, a point of law.1753L. M. tr. Du Boscq's Accompl. Wom. II. 157 note, See the discourse..wherein it is discussed, whether brutes have the use of reason.1777Priestley Philos. Necess. x. 118 Mr. Hume..discusses the question..with great clearness.1847Tennyson Princ. ii. 422 They, the while, Discuss'd a doubt and tost it to and fro.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. 598 Several schemes were proposed and discussed.
b. absol. To hold discussion; to debate.
1587Turberv. Trag. T. (1837) 42 Amongst themselves the feasters gan discusse And diversly debate from young to old.1628T. Spencer Logick 311 A Method whereby wee come to know how to discusse.
7. trans. To sift or investigate (material). rare.
1802Paley Nat. Theol. xii. (1824) 483/2 These serrated or dentated bills..form a filtre. The ducks by means of them discuss the mud; examining with great accuracy the puddle.
8. To investigate or try the quality of (food or drink); to consume, make away with. (Somewhat humorous.)
1815Scott Guy M. xxii, A tall, stout, country-looking man..busy discussing huge slices of cold boiled beef.1836Marryat Midsh. Easy i. 5 They allowed him to discuss the question, while they discussed his port wine.1861Thornbury Turner II. 264 Turner was always to be seen between ten and eleven at the Athenæum, discussing his half-pint of sherry.1884Ld. Malmesbury Mem. Ex-min. II. 281 The time was passed in discussing a substantial luncheon.
9. Civil Law. To ‘do diligence’ (diligence 5 a) or exhaust legal proceedings against (a debtor), esp. against the person primarily liable (or his property), before proceeding against the property of a person secondarily liable.
Used with local peculiarities of application in Scotland, Lower Canada, and Louisiana, also as rendering Fr. discuter in analogous sense. See discussion 5.
1681–93Stair Inst. Law Scot. i. xvii. §5 Cautioners cannot be pursued till the principal debitor be discust.Ibid. iii. v. §17 Heirs of Blood..and also Executors must be discussed before Heirs of Provision or Tailzie.1766W. Gordon Gen. Counting-ho. 340 The accepter being discussed, the bill must recoil upon the drawer.1848Wharton Law Lex. s.v. Discussion, The obligation contracted by the surety with creditor is, that the latter shall not proceed against him until he has first discussed the principal debtor, if he is solvent.1861W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. 291 Where a special heir is burdened with a debt, the creditor must discuss that heir before he can insist against that heir-at-law..By discussing an heir is meant, charging him to enter; and if he do not renounce the succession, obtaining decree against him, and raising diligence both against his person and his estate, whether belonging to himself or derived from his ancestor, as in the case of the discussion of a cautioner.18..Civil Code of Quebec Art. 1942 The creditor is not bound to discuss the principal debtor unless the surety demands it when he is first sued. [See also discussion 5.]
Hence diˈscussed ppl. a.
1598Florio, Discusso, discussed, searched.1892Pall Mall G. 22 June 3/1 The only other discussed matter.
II. diˈscuss, n. Obs.
[app. f. discuss v.; but cf. L. discussus dashing, agitating, f. ppl. stem of discutĕre: see discuss v.]
= discussion. a. Decision (of a judge), settlement. b. Examination, investigation. c. Debate; in quot. fig.
a.1556J. Heywood Spider & F. lxv. 19 By his discus, Streight to blisse go they, streight to bale go wee.Ibid. Concl. 26 That they and we by goddes mercifull discus, May..Liue and loue together.1616Burgh Rec. Aberdeen 5 Mar. (Jam. Supp.), To attend vpone the said actioun, vntil the finall end and discus thairof.
b.1586Holinshed Chron. Scot. II. 386/2 To refer my selfe to the discusse and consideration of his demands.1609E. Hoby Let. to Mr. T. H. 6 In this my discusse..I will..confine my selfe within this list.1650T. Vaughan Anthrop. Theom. 7 These are Magnalia Dei & Naturae, and require not our Discusse so much as our Reverence.
c.1655H. Vaughan Silex Scint. i. Storm (1858) 57 When his waters billow thus, Dark storms and wind Incite them to that fierce discusse.




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