

单词 rapport
释义 I. rapport, n.
(ræˈpɔə(r), rapɔr; formerly rəˈpɔət)
Also 7 raport.
[F., f. rapporter: see re- and apport v.]
1. Report, talk. Obs. rare—1.
1539Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 194, I perceyve by his rapport that your grace shewed unto hym that the yong duck of Cleves was decessed.
2. a. Reference, relationship; connexion, correspondence, conformity. Also, harmonious accord, co-ordination. Now freq. used of relations between persons. in rapport: (see 3.)
The quots. show that Johnson was mistaken in supposing that Temple was the introducer and sole user of the word.
1661in Blount Glossogr.1662J. Davies tr. Mandelslo's Trav. 226 Between whose Languages there is no more rapport, then the English hath to the Greek and Arabian.1680–90Temple Ess., Learning Wks. 1731 I. 167 'Tis obvious enough, what rapport there is..between the Thoughts and Words.1697J. Sergeant Solid Philos. 26 It has no Rapport at all to the Line of Knowledge. [1755Johnson, Rapport..A word introduced by the innovator, Temple, but not copied by others.]1821Sporting Mag. IX. 3 The rapports of conformity which naturally exist between the male and the female.1894Doyle S. Holmes 169 As a proof that I had been in rapport with you.1915‘W. N. P. Barbellion’ Jrnl. Apr. in Enjoying Life (1919) 67 It wounds my self-esteem not to be..in direct telepathic rapport with the universe and its beauty.1919Lancet 8 Feb. 206/2 A lack of complete rapport between the muscles and the brain nerve centres.1934C. Lambert Music Ho! iii. 175 This lack of rapport between the tune and harmony is particularly noticeable in some of the later works of Bartók.1941A. White Let. 7 Feb. in Hound & Falcon (1969) 114 It was one of our good ‘rapports’ that I should have hit on Huvelin's admirable sayings just as you had written to me quoting some of them.1957J. Kerouac On Road (1958) iii. xi. 247 Dean's second baby, the result of a few nights' rapport.1969Morning Star 18 Nov. 2 The animal kingdom is in rapport with its environment, but man is not, unless he makes it so by taming his planet and remaking it to suit his needs.1976J. I. M. Stewart Memorial Service vii. 104 Jiffy temperately signalled the gratification proper to be felt on establishing this sort of rapport with a stranger.
b. spec. A state in which mesmeric action can be exercised by one person on another. Hence, a feeling of sympathy and co-operation between therapist and patient or tester and subject that is considered necessary for successful therapy or psychological testing. Also attrib. and Comb.
1845Poe in Amer. Rev. Dec. 564/2, I endeavored to place each member of the company in mesmeric rapport with him.1848Crowe Night Side of Nature I. 345 The somnambule reads the thoughts not only of his magnetiser, but of others, with whom he is placed in rapport.1849H. Rogers Ess. (1874) II. vi. 293 Every work of genius, by coming, as it were, into mesmeric rapport with the affinities of kindred genius,..is itself the parent of many others.1894Creighton & Titchener tr. Wundt's Lect. Human & Animal Psychol. xxii. 331 There then arises what the animal-magnetism school term the rapport of the medium with the magnetiser.1923J. T. MacCurdy Probl. Dynamic Psychol. xi. 121 Manipulation of rapport is thus made the core of psychoanalytic treatment.1924J. Riviere tr. Freud's Coll. Papers I. 293 In his treatment of her case Breuer could make use of a very intense suggestible rapport on the part of the patient.1954A. Anastasi Psychol. Testing iii. 50 It is apparent that the establishment of rapport, prior to the administration of the test, is generally an important part of the testing procedure.1965F. M. Lopez Personnel Interviewing i. 12 Then there are the rapport behaviors that help the interviewer to establish a bond of communication with the interviewer.1970A. Magonet Psychotherapy by Hypnosis i. 3 Mesmer discovered that it was important that there should exist between physician and patient a close interest in and sympathy for each other. He described this as rapport.1971D. B. Peskin Human Behavior & Employment Interviewing vii. 170 If the response seems neutral, the interviewer applies more of the same rapport-producing small talk and humor.1976A. Anastasi Psychol. Testing (ed. 4) ii. 34 The training of examiners covers techniques for the establishment of rapport.
3. In Fr. phr. en rapport, in a state of rapport or close and harmonious relation; in sympathy, in harmony. Usu. of persons.
1818Lady Morgan Autobiog. (1859) 98 During his government as First Consul, I was frequently en rapport with him.1846Geo. Eliot Let. Apr. in J. W. Cross George Eliot's Life (1885) I. ii. 116 See what it is to have a person en rapport with you, that knows all your thoughts.1851Mayne Reid Rifle Rangers xxviii, Sympathetic natures, who only needed to be placed en rapport to ‘like each other mightily’.1884Proc. Soc. Psychical Res. II. 127 A mesmerised ‘subject’ who is sufficiently en rapport with his mesmeriser.1933Wodehouse Mulliner Nights v. 151 ‘I fear we were not exactly en rapport,’ sighed Sacheverell.
4. Comb. rapport-work (tr. F. ouvrage de rapport), inlaid or mosaic work. Obs.
1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 407 The Workmanship is of several pieces of rapport-work after the Mosaic manner.
II. raˈpport, v. Obs. rare—1.
[See prec.]
intr. To relate to.
1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. ii. §10 Which duty..r'apports to God and touches not the Man.




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