

单词 disincrease
释义 I. disinˈcrease, n. Obs.
In 5 disen-.
[f. dis- 9 + increase n.]
The reverse of increase; decrease, diminution.
1430Lydg. Chron. Troy iii. xxvii, In preiudice of his worthynesse And disencrease of his hygh prowesse.c1430Thebes ii. (R.), The tydings that thou hast brought Shal vnto him be disencrease.c1450Compl. Loveres Lyfe 202 Wythout addicyoun, Or disencrese, owther mor or lesse.
II. disinˈcrease, v. Obs.
In 5 disencrese.
[f. dis- 6 + increase v.]
To decrease, diminish (intr. and trans.; in quot. 1430, = diminish 5, to rob, deprive).
c1374Chaucer Boeth. v. pr. vi. 173 It faileþ and falleþ in to moeuynge fro þe simplicite of [the] presence of god, and disencresiþ to þe infinite quantite of future and of preterit.c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode iii. xxiv. (1869) 149 Thei withdrawen and disencresen grace dieu of the tresore of hire rialtee.




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