

单词 dislocate
释义 I. ˈdislocate, ppl. a. Obs. or arch.
[ad. med.L. dislocāt-us, pa. pple. of dislocāre: see next.]
Dislocated. (Chiefly as pa. pple.)
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 62 Whanne..þe boon..is to broke atwo & dislocate—þat is to seie out of ioynte.Ibid. 63 Þe boonys þat weren broken ouþer dislocate [v.r. dislocat].1814Southey Roderick xxii, Where the cement of authority Is wanting, all things there are dislocate.1826J. Wilson Noct. Ambr. Wks. 1855 I. 179 Lying in the middle of the road, his neck dislocate.1846in Worcester.
II. dislocate, v.|ˈdɪsləkeɪt|
[f. dislocāt- ppl. stem of med.L. dislocāre to put out of place, f. dis- 1 + L. locāre to place, locus place: cf. It. dislocare, Pg. deslocar, Fr. disloquer. In Eng. as pa. pple. long before its use as a finite verb: see prec.]
1. trans. To put out of place; to shift from its proper (or former) place; to displace. Now rare.
1623Cockeram, Dislocate, to vnplace.1655Fuller Ch. Hist. iii. v. §55 We will conclude this Section with this..submission of the Dean and Chapter of St. Asaph, sent to the King..though dislocated, and some yeares set back in the date thereof.1724A. Collins Gr. Chr. Relig. 102 He alters some passages and changes the places of others which he supposes dislocated.1859Holland Gold F. xxiii. 264 A plant may be dislocated from an old, and removed to a new bed.1879G. Meredith Egoist xxxiii. (1889) 323 No sooner was he comfortably established than she wished to dislocate him.
2. To put out of proper position in relation to contiguous parts (without removal to a distance).
1660Boyle New Exp. Phys. Mech. xv. 103 The Sun-beams..were in their passage..Dislocated and Scattered.1665Hooke Microgr. 133 This Clock comes to be broken..so that several parts of it being dislocated, are impeded.1695Woodward Nat. Hist. Earth ii. (1723) 91 They [the Strata] were dislocated.1755Phil. Trans. XLIX. 441 Some chimnies, though not thrown down, are dislocated..and partly turn'd round.1869Phillips Vesuv. vii. 197 A great fault dislocating the strata.
b. spec. To displace (a bone) from its proper position in the joint; to put out of joint; to ‘put out’ (a joint or limb). (Rarely with the person as object.) In early use more widely: see quots. 1605, 1668, and cf. dislocation 1 b.
1605Shakes. Lear iv. ii. 65 These hands..are apt enough to dislocate and tear Thy flesh and bones.1658Rowland Moufet's Theat. Ins. 912 The pain of a joynt that is dislocated.1668Culpepper & Cole Barthol. Anat. iv. iii. 338 Its use is, like a cord to bind together the parts of the body..that they may not be dislocated.1752Johnson Rambler No. 199 ⁋3, I have twice dislocated my limbs..in essaying to fly.1763Franklin Lett. Wks. 1887 III. 244, I write in pain with an arm lately dislocated.1838Thirlwall Greece II. xiv. 192 Darius had dislocated a foot in hunting.1845Campbell Lives of Chancellors (1857) II. xxxv. 120 Anne was still much dislocated by the rack.
3. fig. To put (affairs, etc.) ‘out of joint’; to throw into confusion or disorder, upset, disarrange, derange, disconcert.
c1645Howell Lett. (1892) II. 658 These sad confusions..have so unhing'd..tumbled and dislocated all things.a1661Fuller Worthies, Barkshire i. (1662) 85 Since our Civil Wars hath lately dislocated all relations.1719De Foe Crusoe (1840) II. i. 7, I was..desolate and dislocated in the world by the loss of her.1825T. Jefferson Autobiog. Wks. 1859 I. 73 He contrived to dislocate all their military plans.1877E. R. Conder Bas. Faith ii. 61 In the violent strain put upon his mind, its balance is dislocated.1889Spectator 9 Nov., That will dislocate the trade of the port.
Hence ˈdislocating ppl. a.
1863Kinglake Crimea I. 484 This perturbing and dislocating course of action.




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