

单词 successively
释义 successively, adv.|səkˈsɛsɪvlɪ|
Also 5 sussessiffly, successevely, 5–6 -yvely.
1. By successive stages (of increase or decrease); by degrees. Now rare.
a1425tr. Arderne's Treat. Fistula, etc. 58 When þe pacientes felen þamself more heuy..þan is þe flwyng ouer mych; wherfor it is alsone successyuely to be restreyned and turned away.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI, 105 b, A pestilent humor, which successively a litle and litle corrupteth all the membres.1620E. Blount Horæ Subs, 262 To doe that at once, which must bee done successiuely, is an argument of a rash, and intemperate man.1715Desaguliers Fires Impr. 23 The Air goes into the Hollows, is warm'd, and then successively warms the whole Air of the Room.1743Emerson Fluxions Pref. p. vii, What a continual and successively variable Velocity can produce.1827Faraday Chem. Manip. xx. (1842) 545 Now and then the stoppers of bottles become fixed.., in which case means of loosening them, successively increasing in power..must be resorted to.1862Miller Elem. Chem., Org. (ed. 2) iii. §1. 152 The higher terms of the series becoming successively more viscid and oily.
2. In succession.
1439E.E. Wills (1882) 114 The wardeyns of Seynt Austyns chirch..sussessiffly beyng.1462Rolls of Parlt. V. 489/1 Henry the Vth..and Henry the VIth..successevely Kynges of Englond.1503Ibid. VI. 522/2 They..and their successours, and the successours of every of them, shall have successyvelye for ever, lyke auctorite.1521in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. iii. I. 258 [He] opennyd the boke..and begynning the prohem, redde therof successyvely v. lefes.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. x. 44 Fiue sonnes he left begotten of one wife, All which successiuely by turnes did raine.1617Moryson Itin. i. 170 It was subject to the Emperour Otho the first, by right of his wife, and successively to the Emperours.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xxxviii. 245 Everlasting Fire,..(into which men may be cast successively one after another for ever).a1700Evelyn Diary 9 Feb. 1671, The famous play call'd ‘The Siege of Granada’, (Dryden) two days acted successively.1712Steele Spect. No. 400 ⁋9 The Disappointment of four or five Passions which she has successively had for different Men.1776Gibbon Decl. & F. xiii. I. 356 Diocletian was successively promoted to the government of Mæsia, the honours of the consulship, and the important command of the guards of the palace.1818Scott Hrt. Midl. l, The lad..fetched an earthen jar and a horn cup,..and offered them successively to the lady and to the boy.1854Brewster More Worlds x. 163 If we suppose ourselves placed successively on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the Sun will appear smaller and smaller.1874Green Short Hist. ix. §1 (1882) 593 He became successively Solicitor and Attorney-General.
3. Continuously or without interruption (for a certain period). Obs.
1531Elyot Gov. i. ii, And so successiuely one kynge gouerned all the people of Israell unto the time of Roboaz.1550Hall's Chron. (title-p.) Beginnyng at the tyme of kyng Henry the fowerth, the first aucthor of this deuision, and so successively proceading to y⊇ reigne of..kyng Henry the eyght.1627W. Bedell in Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 136 It begins much about the Conquest..and continues successively to Calixtus the 3rd.1683Moxon Mech. Exerc., Printing i. 5 And there [sc. Oxford] the excercise of Printing hath continued successively to this day.1709Steele Tatler No. 107 ⁋14 Repeat this every Day for a Month successively.1748Washington Jrnl. 7 Apr., Writ. 1889 I. 5 Raind successively all last night.c1790Encycl. Brit. (1797) VI. 739/2 For 18 years successively.
4. In the course of events, subsequently, eventually. Obs.
1600Fairfax Tasso i. xxiv, What to this howre successiuely is donne Was full of perill.1612Drayton Poly-olb. ii. 156 And all that there-vpon successiuely befell.1654Earl of Monmouth tr. Bentivoglio's Wars Flanders 277 Which they..were not long adoing, as we shall successively relate.
5. By succession or inheritance. Obs.
1594Shakes. Rich. III, iii. vii. 135 Not as Protector..But as successiuely, from Blood to Blood.15972 Hen. IV, iv. v. 202 So thou, the Garland wear'st successiuely.
6. Successfully, propitiously. Obs.
1582Munday Disc. E. Campion F iij, Howe all thinges went successivelie foreward.1597A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chirurg. 54/2 Beinge verye successivelye cured of Mr. Martel, Chyrurgiane to the Kinge.1630R. Brathwait Engl. Gentlem. 62 Any exploit, how successively or prosperously soever managed.1683Kennet tr. Fragm. on Folly (1709) 33 A battle shall be more successively fought by serving men..than by the most accomplished philosophers.




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