

单词 disterminate
释义 I. diˈsterminate, v. Obs.
[f. L. distermināt- ppl. stem of distermināre to mark off by boundaries, f. dis- 1 = termināre to bound, mark off: see terminate v.]
trans. To separate as a boundary does; to divide by a boundary; to bound, divide. Hence diˈsterminating ppl. a.
1599Nashe Lenten Stuffe 8 [The sands] clearely quitted, disterminated, and relegated themselues from his [the sea's] inflated capriciousnesse of playing the Dictator ouer them.1611Coryat Crudities 441 This noble Rhene..the fairest riuer of all Germany, which it disterminateth from France.1652–62Heylin Cosmogr. Introd. (1674) 13/1 A ridge of Hills..disterminating Colchis from Armenia.1676Boyle New Exp. i. in Phil. Trans. XI. 786 Whether some such..æthereal Fluid..insinuated itself between our two Liquors, and made the Disterminating surface more specular.
II. diˈsterminate, a. Obs. rare.
[ad. L. distermināt-us, pa. pple. of distermināre: see prec., of which it is also used as pa. pple. for disterminated.]
Separated, marked off, divided.
1615Chapman Odyss. x. 106 The Læstrigonian state, That bears her ports so far disterminate.1624Bp. Hall Peacemaker i. §3 (R.) There is one and the same church of Christ, however far disterminate in places..however differing in rites and circumstances of worship.1671True Nonconf. 122 There can be nothing more clearly disterminat.




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