

单词 raspberry
释义 raspberry|ˈrɑːzbərɪ, -æ-|
Forms: 7 res-, 7–8 ras-, 8– raspberry.
[f. rasp n.2 + berry.]
1. The fruit of several plants of the genus Rubus, esp. R. idæus, consisting of many small juicy grains or drupes of a subacid flavour arranged on a conical receptacle, from which the ripe fruit is easily detached unbroken.
The common raspberry, both wild and cultivated, is of a red colour; white and yellow varieties also exist. The fruit is much used for making preserves, confections, liquors, etc.
1623N. H. in Whitbourne Newfoundland 114 Cherries, Nuts, Resberries, Strawberries.1664Evelyn Kal. Hort. (1729) 207 Rasberries, Corinths, Strawberries.a1756Mrs. Heywood New Present (1771) 220 To preserve Rasberries. Let your rasberries be large.1817Raffles Java I. 36 The wild raspberry, which is found in the higher regions, is not destitute of flavour.1891M. M. Dowie Girl in Karp. 234 A..handful of rasp, straw, and whortle berries.
2. The plant which produces the raspberry, or other plants of the genus Rubus resembling this.
The common species, Rubus idæus, has woody stems thickly covered with weak prickles, pinnate leaves which are white on the under-side, and whitish flowers.
flowering raspberry or Virginian raspberry, the American species Rubus odoratus.
1733Miller Gard. Dict. s.v. Rubus, All the other Sorts are propagated from Suckers in the same Manner as the Garden Raspberries.1741Compl. Fam.-Piece ii. iii. 380 There are several other Trees and Shrubs which are now in Flower, as..upright sweet Canada Rasberries.1846J. Baxter Libr. Pract. Agric. (ed. 4) II. 229 The root of the raspberry is considered to be perennial.
3. Raspberry wine.
1768Goldsm. Good-n. Man v. i, A drop of as pretty raspberry as ever was tipt over tongue.
4. a. [App. an ellipt. use of raspberry tart (b) below.] A derisive sound; = Bronx cheer s.v. Bronx 2.
1890in Barrère & Leland Dict. Slang (1890) II. 171/1 The tongue is inserted in the left cheek and forced through the lips, producing a peculiarly squashy noise that is extremely irritating. It is termed, I believe, a raspberry, and when not employed for the purpose of testing horseflesh, is regarded rather as an expression of contempt than of admiration.1899A. M. Binstead Gal's Gossip 144 A loud and offensive noise, like the rending of glazed calico, made by obtruding the wet tongue between the closed lips, and by low cabmen and persons of that class, called a ‘raspberry’, came from the gallery.1912Confessions of Dancing Girl iv. 69 The custom of ‘guying’ a performer and giving him what is called a ‘raspberry’. Not a few artistes have had ‘raspberries’ from the audiences in the Glasgow variety halls.1932A. J. Worrall Eng. Idioms v. 33 As soon as the speaker rose the crowd gave him the raspberry.1940R. Chandler Farewell, my Lovely xxix. 211 The kind of bossy knock that makes you want to..emit the succulent raspberry.1955[see Bronx 2].1960G. Durrell Zoo in my Luggage vi. 157 To my complete astonishment Minnie responded by..giving a prolonged raspberry of the juiciest variety.1975South Wales Echo 30 Oct. 8/4 The only answer to that kind of nonsense is a long-drawn-out vintage raspberry.
b. fig. A refusal; a reprimand, disapproval; dismissal.
1920Wodehouse Damsel in Distress vi. 71 Convict son totters up the steps of the old home and punches the bell! What awaits him beyond? Forgiveness? Or the raspberry?1923Inimitable Jeeves ix. 89 He was given the respectful raspberry by Jeeves, and told to try again about three hours later.1927Punch 14 Dec. 649/2, I have embodied the above suggestions in a memo, and they are now on their way to the Army Council... They may even be on their way back, with a raspberry from Somebody Very Senior written across the top left-hand corner.1942New Statesman 1 Aug. 75/1 An ordinary reprimand is a raspberry (often referred to by other ranks as a rarzer), which has been adopted from that form of civilian disapproval which one hears in the gallery of a theatre.1947[see all adv. 2 c].1960O. Manning Great Fortune i. 67 Miller made it! Nice scoop for Miller! And a raspberry for the rest of us.1973M. Spark Hothouse by East River iv. 69 The security officer mutters all the way to the compound about what a raspberry the police are going to get because of this, a raspberry in these days being already an outdated expression meaning a reprimand. A man less set in his limited ways..would call it a rocket in this English spring of 1944.1977Western Morning News 1 Sept. 1/2 Controversial punk rock band Sex Pistols blew a raucous raspberry at the Establishment by sneaking into Plymouth to play an unannounced concert at Woods.
5. The colour of a raspberry, varying from pink to scarlet. Also attrib. or as adj.
1923Daily Mail 19 Feb. 15 New tailor-mades of black or navy serge have shawl collars of mattelassé silk in a contrasting colour—raspberry, green, or kingfisher blue.1935Times 2 Oct. 17/4 A raspberry cellophane wrap has been shown over a white and gold lamé gown.1941[see hackmanite].1951E. Paul Springtime in Paris ii. 17 Two neon signs,..one..in a faint raspberry shade, and another..in a luminous tone of white.1969‘H. Pentecost’ Girl Watcher's Funeral (1970), ii. i. 88 The raspberry dress that clung to her lush figure.1972[see lime n.2 1 c].1978J. Krantz Scruples ii. 24 The floor of the air-conditioned room was covered from one wall to another in thick raspberry carpet.
6. attrib. and Comb., as raspberry bitters, raspberry brandy, raspberry bush, raspberry cream, raspberry drop, raspberry fool, raspberry jam, raspberry jelly, raspberry juice, raspberry noyau, raspberry pie, raspberry roll, raspberry seed, raspberry syrup, raspberry tart, raspberry tree, raspberry vinegar, raspberry wine; raspberry-like, raspberry-scented adjs.; raspberry apple, an apple having the flavour of the raspberry; raspberry beetle, a beetle of the genus Byturus, esp. B. tomentosus (formerly B. urbanus), the larva of which attacks the fruit of raspberries and related plants: raspberry fruitworm = prec.; raspberry jam (tree), an Australian tree, Acacia acuminata, so called from the smell of its wood; also, the wood itself; raspberry kidney, a kidney of a morbid granular structure resembling that of a raspberry; raspberry lid, an eye-lid having a morbid growth like a raspberry; raspberry red, the colour of the raspberry; also as adj.; raspberry tart Rhyming slang, (a) the heart; (b) a breaking of wind or ‘fart’.
1894Daily News 5 Oct. 5/2 The *raspberry-apple, or pomme framboise, attracted the attention of gardeners, amateur and professional.
1884E. A. Ormerod Observations Injurious Insects 1883 65 A small brown Beetle..proved to be the ‘*Raspberry Beetle’,..which was causing fearful havoc and entirely devouring the Raspberries.1909F. V. Theobald Insects & Other Pests of Orchard, Bush & Hothouse Fruits 420 There is no insect enemy so serious to raspberries as the Raspberry Beetle.1959E. F. Linssen Beetles Brit. Isles II. 23 This genus [sc. Byturus] includes a well-known pest of raspberries, loganberries and blackberries, commonly referred to as the Raspberry Beetle.
1849Thackeray Pendennis I. xv. 131 He..drank a glass of *raspberry bitters at the Clavering Arms.
1796Morse Amer. Geog. II. 503 They appeared to prefer cherry and *rasberry brandy.
1733Miller Gard. Dict., Rubus,..the Bramble or *Rasp-berry-bush.1864Sowerby Eng. Bot. (ed. 3) III. 161 Raspberry bushes..bear the finest fruit in a light rich loamy soil.
1661Rabisha Body Cookery Diss. 30 To make *Rasberry Cream.1851Mayhew Lond. Lab. II. 46/2 Raspberry cream! Iced raspberry-cream, ha'penny a glass!
1897‘S. Grand’ Beth Book iii. 19 Give me a ha'porth..of *raspberry-drops.1939–40Army & Navy Stores Catal. 52/2 Boiled sweets..Raspberry drops.
1728E. Smith Compl. Housew. (ed. 2) 150 To make Strawberry or *Rasp-berry Fool.
1924Ann. Rep. Connecticut Agric. Exper. Station 91 The *Raspberry Fruit Worm or Raspberry Beetle has long been known as a pest of red raspberries in the United States.1945L. Pyenson Pest Control in Home Garden vii. 122 The formula used in these two sprays controls the raspberry fruit worm.1972Swan & Papp Common Insects N. Amer. 396 The Western Raspberry Fruitworm..is a serious pest of raspberries and loganberries.
1747*Raspberry jam [see jam n.2 a].1769Mrs. Raffald Eng. Housekpr. (1778) 251 A quart of raspberries, or raspberry jam.
1846[see gooseberry jam s.v. gooseberry 7 a].1846Stokes Disc. Australia II. iv. 132 Raspberry Jam [Tree], Acacia..Sweet-scented—grows on good ground.1847Leichhardt Jrnl. x. 342 The raspberry-jam tree covered the approaches to the river.1865J. E. Tenison-Woods Hist. Discovery & Exploration Austral. II. 68 The other trees beside the palm were known to the men by colonial appellations, such as the bloodwood and the raspberry-jam.1896Australasian 15 Feb. 313 The raspberry-jam-tree is so called on account of the strong aroma of raspberries given out when a portion is broken.1948F. H. Titmuss Conc. Encycl. World Timbers 113 Raspberry Jam is rather a difficult timber to work.1965Austral. Enycl. VII. 389/1 Raspberry-jam, a popular name standardized in the timber trade for Acacia acuminata of Western Australia; the dark reddish-brown, durable, close-grained wood of this wattle has a distinct raspberry-like scent.
1861Mrs. Beeton Bk. Househ. Managem. 797 *Raspberry Jelly... To each pint of juice allow 3/4 lb. of loaf sugar.
1661Rabisha Body Cookery Diss. 216 A quarter of a pinte of *Raspberry-juice.
1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. IV. 334 That condition known as red granular kidney, or *raspberry kidney, which occurs in middle-aged people.
1869Eng. Mech. 3 Dec. 271/2 The lids are covered with hard granulations which are termed the ‘*raspberry lid’.
1894Daily News 5 Oct. 5/2 It has a *raspberry-like taste.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 501 A chronic, specific and contagious disease, characterized by raspberry-like tubercles.
1913,1963*Raspberry noyau [see noyau 1 b].
1828E. Leslie Seventy-Five Receipts 25 *Raspberry and apple-pies are much improved by..pouring in a little cream.1864Harper's Mag. Nov. 735/1 A green cheese, a dish of cucumbers, and two raspberry pies supplied a finish to the entertainment.1974J. Grigson Eng. Food 206 Raspberry Pie..Filling 1 lb raspberries About 4 oz sugar [etc.].
1894Daily News 7 July 6/6 Another party, who floated a *raspberry red flag on their boat.
1868A. D. Whitney Patience Strong's Outings (1869) xii. 138, I..made her give up..the special *raspberry-roll for dinner.
1894J. Brown Forester II. 501 Acacia acuminata, ‘Jam’ or *Raspberry scented acacia.
1841M. Edgeworth Let. 23 Mar. (1971) 590 Dr. Lindley..saw that they were *raspberry seeds and he put them in ground and they..have grown to real raspberry bushes.
1728E. Smith Compl. Housewife (ed. 2) 192 Two Ounces of Syrup of red Poppies, and as much of *Raspberry Syrup.1965Savoy Cocktail Bk. (ed. 3) 177 Raspberry Lemonade Cocktail. Put into tumbler juice of 1 Lemon..sugar..Raspberry Syrup..ice..water.
1723J. Nott Cook's & Confectioner's Dict. sig. Ff3 (heading) To make a *Raspberry Tart.1848[see hard-bake].1859Household Encycl. s.v., Raspberry Tart with cream.1892Sporting Times 29 Oct. 1/2 Then I sallied forth with a careless air, And contented raspberry tart.1959I. & P. Opie Lore & Lang. Schoolch. i. 9 Breaking wind was, at one time, by the process of rhyming slang, known as a ‘raspberry tart’.
1765Chron. in Ann. Reg. 140/2 Some *rasberry trees in perfect leaf.
1713Sprengnell in Phil. Trans. XXVIII. 139 Sprinkled with *Rasberry-Vinegar.1841Penny Cycl. XX. 215/2 Raspberry-vinegar is not only an agreeable beverage, but is said to act as a febrifuge.1960J. J. Rowlands Spindrift 55 That was the era of raspberry vinegar, lemonade, and homemade root beer.
1728R. Bradley Country Housewife 115 To make *Rasberry Wine.1841Penny Cycl. XX. 215/2 Raspberry-wine is much used in Poland.
Hence raspberriˈade, -berryˈette, liquors made from, or flavoured with, raspberries.
1851Mayhew Lond. Lab. II. 46/1 Iced lemonade here! Iced raspberriade.1883Pall Mall G. 12 Oct. 12/1 Mixtures known as gingerette, raspberryette, and peppermint.




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