释义 |
▪ I. † suˈppeditate, pa. pple. Obs. [ad. med.L. suppeditātus, pa. pple. of suppeditāre suppeditate v.2] Subdued, overcome.
a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII, 10 b, After that kyng Henry had thus..repressed & suppeditate the cyuile dissencion. Ibid. 41 b, After that tumult appeased & suppeditate, he would wt all expedicion set vpon Scotland. ▪ II. † suˈppeditate, v.1 Obs. Also 7 -at. [f. L. suppeditāt-, pa. ppl. stem of suppeditāre intr. to be supplied, abound, trans. to supply in abundance.] trans. To furnish, supply.
1535Cranmer Let. to Crumwell in Misc. Writ. (Parker Soc.) 314 There is not one article of those which I have drawn but would suppeditate sufficient occasion for a whole sermon. 1631A. B. tr. Lessius' De Prov. Num. i. vii. 74 Great hils do suppeditate and minister matter for building, as stones, lyme, wood. 1657W. Morice Coena quasi κοινὴ xi. 123 [It] will suppeditate an Argument for proof of this opinion. a1693Urquhart's Rabelais iii. xxxi. 261 To suppeditate,..and supply him with store of Spirits. 1754Mem. G. Psalmanazar Pref. 20 The same Divine Providence will suppeditate all the necessary helps. ▪ III. † suˈppeditate, v.2 Obs. rare. [f. med.L. suppeditāt-, pa. ppl. stem of suppeditāre, app. f. sup- = sub- 1 a + L. ped-, pēs foot, with assimilation to prec.] trans. To overthrow, subdue.
[1538: see subpeditate.] c1545H. Parker Hyst. Massuctio (Royal MS. 18 A. lxii. lf. 6) Ambicyouse..by batell to suppeditate and spoyle as well the as all thy famylye. a1548Hall Chron., Edw. IV, 248 A malle to destroye, and suppeditate high power and nobilitie. 1656Blount Glossogr. |