

单词 doubler
释义 I. doubler1 Now only dial.|ˈdʌblə(r)|
Forms: 4–5 dobler(e, dobeler(e, dub(b)lar, 5 dobbler, dowbler, Sc. dibler, 5– doubler, dubler, (9 dial. dibbler).
[a. AF. dobler, dubler, = OF. doblier, doublier a kind of dish, also, a liquid measure, napkin, towel, bag, satchel:—L. duplārium liquid measure, bag, purse, f. duplus double: see -arium.]
A large plate or dish.
13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 1146 A bassyn, a bolle..A dysche oþer a dobler.c1410Love Bonavent. Mirr. xxxix. 79 (Gibbs MS.) He þat wyth me putteþ hys honde in to þe dych or dobler.14..Laws of Four Burghs cxxv. §3 (Jam.) The heir sall haue..ane dish, ane dibler, ane charger, ane cuippie.1562Wills & Inv. N.C. (Surtees 1835) 198, ij brasse potts, iiij puder dublers.1674–91Ray N.C. Words 134 A Dubler or Doubler, a Platter or Dish. Vox per magnam Angliæ partem diffusa.1855Robinson Whitby Gloss., Dubbler, a deep earthen dish or platter.
II. doubler2|ˈdʌblə(r)|
Forms: see double a.
[f. double v. + -er1; cf. F. doubleur, prob. the immediate source of the technical sense 3 a.]
1. One who, or that which, makes double.
1552Huloet, Dowbler, duplicator.1557in Tottell's Misc. (Arb.) 257 The doubler of thy gaine.1589Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xix. (Arb.) 211 One sorte of repetition, which we call the doubler..a speedie iteration of one word, but with some little intermission.1869Reed Ship-build. i. 7 Plates, which..served as doublers to the main flat keel.
2. A double-dealer: cf. double v. 11. Obs.
1553N. Grimalde Cicero's Offices (1556) 130 Gylefull, craftie, foxlike, and a verie dubbler.
3. Technical senses.
a. A person employed in doubling (see double v. 7); also, a machine for doubling cotton or silk.
1662Act 14 Chas. II, c. 15 §6 Silk-winder and Doubler.1723Lond. Gaz. No. 6187/4 Elizabeth Faulkner..Silk-Doubler.Ibid. No. 6189/4 Katharine Jackson..Worsted-Doubler.1879J. Robertson in Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 209/1 Carding engines, lap-machines or doublers.
b. Electr. An apparatus: see quot. 1788.
1788Phil. Trans. LXXVIII. 8 It is Mr. Bennet's doubler that was intended..to multiply, by repeated doubling, a small, and otherwise unperceivable, quantity of electricity, till it became sufficient to affect an electrometer, to give sparks, etc.1794Read Ibid. LXXXIV. 266 When I employ the doubler to investigate atmospheric electricity.1881Maxwell Electr. & Magn. I. 294 By means of the revolving doubler..Volta succeeded in developing..an electrification capable of affecting his electrometer.
c. Calico-printing. ‘A blanket or felt placed between the cloth to be printed and the printing-table or cylinder’ (Knight Dict. Mech.).
d. Distilling. A part or appendage of a still, for intercepting and returning the less volatile vapours to be re-distilled.
4. slang. A blow that ‘doubles up’ a person.
1811Morn. Herald 10 Oct.1812Sporting Mag. XXXIX. 187 Penton was..grounded by a doubler on the left side.
5. N.Z. slang. (See quot.)
1871C. L. Money Knocking about N.Z. x. 141 [We] were served out with a ‘doubler’, or two lots of grog in one.




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