

单词 surmit
释义 surˈmit, v. Obs.
Also 5 -met(te, 5–6 -myt(te.
[a. AF., OF. surmetre:—late L. supermittĕre (also suprā-), in med.L. to accuse, f. super- super 2 + mittĕre to put.]
1. trans. To charge, impute; to allege, suggest (often falsely); = surmise v. 1.
1411Rolls of Parlt. III. 650/1 The..Lord the Roos..compleyneth hym by a Bille, surmettyng on the same Robert, that he..dyd assemble greet noumbre of men.Ibid. 650/2 The matier on hym surmetted by the sayd Bille.1447Ibid. V. 137/2 Certein trespass and offens, or dettes surmitted to be don or due to theim.1447Shillingford Lett. (Camden) 96 Such Mayer Bailliffs and Comminalte as thei surmytten where yn the saide Citee.c1450–5in Oxf. Stud. Soc. & Legal Hist. (1914) IV. 202 As the seid suppliaunt hath surmitted by his bill.1490Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 101 The same Margrett sayth, that..John Scargill..made such wyll of the same..tenements, & other premyses,..as is surmytted by the same byll.1503Act 19 Hen. VII, c. 17 Divers persones..surmytted a Byll in the parlement holden at Westminster.1533–4Act 25 Hen. VIII, c. 12 Sondry bokes..Surmyttyng and puttyng fourthe the same false and feyned practyses..to be..true myracles.1537Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. (1902) II. 104 You may..declare vnto him, howe thinformacion..was vntruly surmytted vnto him, as they haue themselfes confessed.
b. = surmise v. 1 f (const. of). rare—1.
c1470Harding Chron. clii. ii. (MS. Arch. Seld. B. 10) lf. 127 Kyng Philip..Somonde Edward afore him to appere Surmittyng him of Robry.
2. = surmise v. 3 b. rare—1.
c1570Pride & Lowl. (Shaks. Soc.) 67 They were fantasticall, imagined; Onely as in my dreame I dyd surmit.




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