

单词 drapery
释义 I. drapery, n.|ˈdreɪpərɪ|
Also 4 drapreye, 4–7 draperie.
[a. OF. draperie (12th c.), f. drap cloth, drapier draper: see -ery.]
1. Cloth or textile fabrics collectively.
a1300Sat. People Kildare xi. in E.E.P. (1862) 154 Hail be ȝe marchans wiþ ȝur gret packes of draperie auoir-depeise and ȝur wol sackes.1483Act 1 Rich. III, c. 8 Preamb., No Substance of fine Drapery.1538Leland Itin. I. 44 The hole profite of the Toune [Wakefield] stondeth by Course Drapery.1622E. Misselden Free Trade 40 The Draperies of this Kingdome are termed Old and New. By the Old; are vnderstood Broad Clothes, Bayes and Kersies: By the New; Perpetuanoes, Serges, Sayes, and other Manufactures of Wooll.1786Hist. Europe in Ann. Reg. 11/2 A duty..on all drapery imported into that Kingdom.1841Lane Arab. Nts. I. 122 A napkin or some other piece of drapery is suspended over the door.
2. a. The trade or business of a draper; the manufacture of cloth (obs.); now, the sale of cloth and other textile fabrics.
1488–9Act 4 Hen. VII, c. 11 Thencres and mayntenyng of Drapery and makying of Cloth withyn this land.1610Holland Camden's Brit. I. 352 Flemings..to teach our men that skill of Draperie or weaving and making wollen cloth.a1661Fuller Worthies, Bedfordsh. (1662) 113 Such the use thereof [fuller's earth] in Drapery, that good cloth can hardly be made without it.Mod. Advt., Millinery and Fancy Drapery. Young Lady to serve through.
b. A place where cloth is made.
c. A place where a draper's business is conducted. Obs.
1483Cath. Angl. 106/2 A Drapyry, pannarium.1598Florio, Drapperie, drapery, or street where cloth is made or sold.1610Holland Camden's Brit. i. 77 The Gynegium or Draperie in Britaine in which the Clothes of the Prince and Souldiers were woven.
3. See quot., and cf. cilery. Obs.
1552Huloet, Draperye worcke or cylerye a kynde of caruynge or payntynge so called, voluta.1611Cotgr., Draperie..a flourishing with leaves, and flowers in wood, or stone, vsed especially on the heads of pillers, and tearmed by our workemen Draperie, or Cilerie.
4. The artistic arrangement of clothing in painting or sculpture.
1610J. Guillim Heraldry vi. v. (1611) 267 Which forme of plaiting in the art of painting is termed drapery.1634Peacham Gentl. Exerc. i. xiii. 43 Drapery..principally consisteth in the true making and folding your garment, giving to every fold his proper naturall doubling and shadow.c1811Fuseli in Lect. Paint. iv. (1848) 448 Attitude without action..dress without drapery.
5. The stuff with which anything is draped, or artistically covered; clothing or hangings of any kind; esp. the clothing of the human figure in sculpture or painting. Also fig. Also, usu. in pl., curtains (N. Amer.).
1686W. Aglionby Painting Illustr. Expl. Terms s.v., Drapery, We say, Such a Painter disposes well the Foldings of his Drapery.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) II. 357 The drapery of this statue is much admired.1771Sir J. Reynolds Disc. iv. (R.), It requires the nicest judgment to dispose the drapery, so that the folds shall have an easy communication, and gracefully follow each other.1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) iii. xviii, The muslin drapery of your fair partner.1831Howitt Seasons 315 Nature is stripped of all her summer drapery.1859Geo. Eliot A. Bede 45 There is no drapery about the window.1895Montgomery Ward Catal. 15/1 Drapery prints. For furniture coverings or draperies.Ibid. 351/3 Brass drapery chains. For looping back and holding in place curtains, portieres, etc.1938G. T. Buswell et al. Daily-Life Arith. iii. iii. 74 Mrs. Wilson made window draperies.1967L. J. Braun Cat who ate Danish Modern ii. 18 ‘There's been a delay on the draperies; the fabric manufacturer discontinued the pattern.’ ‘Could the photographer shoot from an angle that would avoid the missing drapes?’..‘Never call draperies drapes.’1968Globe & Mail (Toronto) 17 Feb. 46/8 Extras include..broadloom in living and dining room, draperies in living and dining room.
6. attrib. and Comb. drapery drudge, man, an artist employed by another artist to paint the drapery in a composition.
1712Arbuthnot John Bull i. i, The Bulls and Frogs have served the lord Strutts with drapery-ware for many years.1785J. Trusler Mod. Times I. 63 Sales of linen and other drapery goods.1861Thornbury Turner (1862) II. 103 Rubensten, a drapery drudge to portrait painters.1894H. Gamlin G. Romney 90 Unlike Reynolds and Gainsborough, he employed no drapery men.
II. ˈdrapery, v.
[f. prec. n.]
trans. To furnish or cover with, or as with, drapery; to drape.
1824Byron Juan xvi. cii, What beautiful simplicity Draperied her form with curious felicity!1831Carlyle Sart. Res. i. vii, Not only dressed, but harnessed and draperied.1858G. Macdonald Phantastes vi. 74 It was festooned and draperied with all kinds of green.
Hence ˈdraperied ppl. a.
1816L. Hunt Rimini i. 105 A sudden canopy..disparts its draperied shade.1882M. E. Braddon Mt. Royal ix, The lone draperied mantel-piece.




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