

单词 suspensively
释义 suˈspensively, adv.|-ɪvlɪ|
[f. prec. + -ly2.]
In a suspensive manner. a. = suspensely. Obs. b. suspensively conditional, involving a suspensive condition: see prec. 4. c. In the way of suspension or hanging; fig. in dependence on.
1617Collins Def. Bp. Ely ii. x. 413 The profoundnesse of this mysterie leads vs to wade thus softly and suspensiuely.1818Colebrooke Obligations 212 If either the original or substituted engagement be suspensively conditional.1872Bushnell Serm. Living Subj. 56 We become aerial creatures, resting suspensively on things above the world.Ibid. 58 He begins to live suspensively on God.
So suˈspensiveness.
1816T. L. Peacock Headlong Hall xii, An illustrious robber who..was suddenly checked in his career by means of a certain quality inherent in preparations of hemp, which, for the sake of perspicuity, I shall call suspensiveness.1898Sweet New Eng. Gram. ii. 37 The level tone is plaintive..and suggests the idea of suspensiveness.




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