

单词 drop-in
释义 drop-in, n. and a.
[drop v. 27.]
A. n.
1. An unexpected or casual visit or visitor. colloq.
1819Metropolis I. 234 D-s-y gave us a drop in for a few minutes, just long enough to be perceived.1942Berrey & Van den Bark Amer. Thes. Slang §363/5 Drop-in, happen-in, a chance social call.1970M. Millar Beyond this Point (1971) iii. 32 Some of the people were drop-ins who had no real interest in the case.
2. (See quot. 1940.) U.S. slang.
1937D. Runyon in Collier's Weekly 16 Jan. 9/3 Nicely-Nicely commences to figure this is about as soft a drop-in as anybody can wish.1940Amer. Speech XV. 117/2 Drop-in, something which is easy; easy money. So-called because a fat mark may sometimes ‘drop in’ to a confidence-game without being steered.
3. A place or function at which one may drop in casually: see drop v. 27 b. colloq. (chiefly U.S.).
1948Lait & Mortimer New York: Confidential! v. 48 Many of the furnished rooms..provide drop-ins for youths..seeking..marijuana revels.1970Guardian Weekly 21 Feb. 20 Alice's Restaurant, a drop-in for dropouts.1974Belton (S. Carolina) News 18 Apr. 1/5 Upstairs, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., there will be a drop-in for patrons of the library. The public is invited and urged to attend.1979‘A. Hailey’ Overload iv. ii. 299 This evening she had promised to go to two parties, one a ‘drop in’, early.
B. adj.
1. Designed to drop into position; spec. of a seat (see quot. 1960).
1921Spectator 16 Apr. 485/2 Above this French window is a drop-in fanlight.1960A. Quinton in G. Lewis Handbk. Crafts 232 Any type of ‘drop-in’ seat: i.e. one which can be lifted from its frame and has no springs.1962L. S. Sasieni Princ. Optical Dispensing viii. 195 There are three main types of these supplementary fronts: ‘clip-on’ fronts, ‘grab’ fronts, and ‘drop-in’ fronts.
2. At which one may ‘drop in’ (see drop v. 27 b). colloq.
1958Listener 27 Nov. 860/1 Mr. Walter Reuther's United Auto Workers runs night schools, ‘drop-in’ centres for retired members, recreation halls.1962Guardian 24 July 5/1 We were entertained..by the Federation of Lace Makers to a drop-in (bar ouvert toute la journée) view of the laces used in the show.




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