

单词 ductible
释义 ˈductible, a. Now rare.
[a. obs. F. ductible, ad. L. type *ductibilis, f. duct- ppl. stem of dūcĕre to lead, draw: see -ble.]
= ductile.
1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) iv. xxx. 77 The hede oweth rightwysly to be of gold, shewyng hymself tough and ductyble.1623Cockeram, Ductible, easie to be perswaded, or drawne.1660W. Secker Nonsuch Prof. 12 The purest gold is the most ductible.a1704T. Brown 2 Oxford Schol. Wks. 1730 I. 12 If any should prove more intractable or less ductible than others.1847Lewes Hist. Philos. (1867) II. 449 We must..know from experience that gold is ductible before we can predicate ductility of gold.
Hence ductiˈbility, ductility, pliableness.
1789Cowper Lett. 16 June, Ductability of temper.




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