

单词 duodenum
释义 duodenum Anat.|djuːəʊˈdiːnəm|
In 6 also duodene.
[med.L. (so called from its length, = duodēnum digitōrum space of twelve digits, inches, or finger's breadths), f. duodēnī twelve each (see duodene). Used in Fr. in 1514 (Hatz.-Darm.).]
The first portion of the small intestine immediately below the stomach, commencing at the pylorus, and terminating in the jejunum or second portion, at the second lumbar vertebra.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. v. xlii. (1495) 158 The fyrste gutte of the thre subtyll guttes hyghte duodenum, for in his lengthe by the mesure of euery man he conteynyth twelue ynches.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 168 Þe firste gutt is maad fast to þe lower mouþ, and þis gutt is clepid duodenum..for he is of þe lengþe of xij. ynchis.Ibid. 171 Wiþ a gutt þat is clepid duodeno.1594T. B. La Primaud. Fr. Acad. ii. 349 The first is called Duodene, because of the length of it, which is without any folding or turning.1699Phil. Trans. XXI. 237 The greatest part of the Food, that is thus broken and concocted, is by the Contraction of the Fibres of the Stomack press'd into the Duodenum.1767Gooch Treat. Wounds I. 398 The small intestines..consisting of the Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum.1878T. Bryant Pract. Surg. I. 603 The duodenum is rarely ruptured, its position protecting it.
Hence duodeˈnitis, inflammation of the duodenum; duodeˈnostomy [Gr. στόµα mouth], duodeˈnotomy [Gr. -τοµία cutting]: see quots.
1854–67C. A. Harris Dict. Med. Terminol., Duodenitis.1866Flint Princ. Med. (1880) 450 Duodenitis..separately, or in connection with gastritis and enteritis.1883Syd. Soc. Lex., Duodenostomy, the opening of the duodenum through the abdominal walls, and its attachment to them so as to make an artificial mouth or entrance for food, as in cancer of the pylorus.Ibid. Duodenotomy, the opening of the duodenum through the abdominal parietes, as in cancer of the pylorus, to introduce nutriment.




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