

单词 swerving
释义 I. swerving, vbl. n.|ˈswɜːvɪŋ|
[f. swerve v. + -ing1.]
The action of the vb. swerve; deviation; departure from a norm, a prescribed or right course, etc.; error, transgression.
1513More Rich. III (1641) 246 The smalest swarving that is possible (if the thing bee misconstured) may bee the cause of the destruction of many giltlesse persons.1545Bale Myst. Iniq. 29 Bynde vp her head for sweruynge, lappe vp her bodye warme for surfetynge.1561Norton & Sackv. Gorboduc i. ii. 20 Their vnworthy life,..their lawlesse swaruynge out of kinde.1561J. Daus tr. Bullinger on Apoc. (1573) 125 b, Corrupt doctrine and swaruyng from the fayth.1594Hooker Eccl. Pol. i. iii. §1 That which Angels doe cleerly behold, and without any swaruing obserue, is a Law celestiall and heauenly.1607Hieron Wks. I. 151 The swaruing and straying from the will of God.1607Markham Caval. ii. (1617) 199 Making a horse doe them iust and strongly without either reeling or swaruing.a1656Hales Gold. Rem. (1673) 53 Our Sermons, in which the swarvings of that Church are necessarily to be taxt by us.a1661Fuller Worthies (1662) ii. 120 The Swervings and Aberrations of men.1842Manning Serm. (1848) I. 55 The holiest will..is clogged and checked by the swerving and burden of the flesh.1859Tennyson Geraint & Enid 1355 At a sudden swerving of the road.1883Sat. Rev. 27 Oct. 537/2 It seems that Bendigo, after swerving, had dashed up close to the rails and won by a neck.
II. ˈswerving, ppl. a.
[f. swerve v. + -ing2.]
That swerves; deviating; making a swerve; diverted from the straight or right path; erroneous.
1534Whitinton Tullyes Offices ii. (1540) 86 The more swaruyng [orig. versutior] and craftyer that a man is.a1547Surrey æneid ii. 283 The swarving axe when he [sc. a bull] shakes from his neck.1549Latimer Ploughers (Arb.) 19 Not to a swaruinge fayeth, but to a fayeth that embraceth Christe.a1638Mede Wks. (1672) 581, I dare not be confident that this Order and Series..is in no part thereof faulty and swerving.1665Bunyan Holy Citie (1669) 50 All swerving and unsound opinions.1697Dryden Virg. Georg. ii. 453 The swerving Vines on the tall Elms prevail.1815Scott Dance of Death iii, Where held the cloak'd patrol their course, And spurr'd 'gainst storm the swerving horse.1867W. W. Smyth Coal & Coal-mining 77 In consequence of the swerving direction of a great east and west dislocation.1898Westm. Gaz. 21 Oct. 4/3 The swerving gallop of the polo-ponies.1900[see swerve n.].1903Westm. Gaz. 18 Aug. 3/1 Hirst proceeded to bowl us out, or, rather, get us caught..from that swerving ball of his.1911P. F. Warner Cricket 62, I have selected..Hirst as the fast ‘swerving’ left-hander.




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