

单词 swinger
释义 I. swinger1 Sc. ? Obs.|ˈswɪndʒə(r)|
Also 6 swenȝour, sweyngeour, swingeour, -or, swyngeour, -or, swenger, sweingeor, 7 Sc. swyngour, swynger, swounger.
[Of uncertain origin; prob. a cant term and perh. a derivative of early Flem. swentsen ‘vagari’ (Kilian), orig. with the sense of ‘vagabond’; cf. early mod.G. schwänzer ‘otiosus, ambulator’, schwänzen to go about aimlessly, in thieves’ cant, to ride, travel.]
A rogue, rascal, scoundrel.
1500–20Dunbar Poems lxxxii. 44 Ȝour burgh of beggeris is ane nest, To schout thai swenȝouris will nocht rest.1513Douglas æneis viii. Prol. 68 Swingeouris and scurrevagis, swankeis and swanis.1528Lyndesay Dreme 962 Tha sweir swyngeoris thay tuke of me non heid.1567Satir. Poems Reform. viii. 31 Sweingeor, cum, sweir þe saikles sone, Deny þe evill þat þow hes done.1613Reg. Privy Council Scotl. X. 3 Quhat wer it to tak the buttoun or blason af his breist, and to lay ane lumder upoun sic a swounger as throw [read thow] art.1618Extr. Aberd. Reg. (1848) II. 356 Mr. Henrie wes convict..for iniuring the said Willeame Gray..in calling him febill swynger.1640Rothes in Napier Mem. Montrose xiii. (1856) I. 231 That swinger, the Treasurer, has so calumniated the whole estates to his Majesty.1739A. Nicol Poems, Nat. without Art (1766) 19 If some auld swinger snap to speak Of pink-ey'd queans, he gives a Squeek.
attrib.1542Records of Elgin (New Spald. Cl. 1903) I. 68 Iohne Innes wrangit in the calling of Nicoll Moressone swenger carle and birsyn carle.a1550Lyndesay Descr. Peder Coffeis 17 Ane swyngeour coife, amangis the wyvis.
II. swinger2|ˈswɪndʒə(r)|
[f. swinge v.1 + -er1.]
1. One who acts vigorously or forcibly; a vigorous performer; a powerful fellow. Obs.
1583B. Melbancke Philotimus L iij, The three Sisters Litæ..were left a loofe behind her far out of sight, not able to keepe pace with such a swinger.1679Dryden Limberham i. i, Before George, a proper fellow! and a Swinger he shou'd be, by his make!1679Troil. & Cress. i. ii, Is't not a brave Man that? he's a Swinger, many a Grecian he has laid with his Face upward.1684Southerne Disappointm. ii. i, I' gad I was a Swinger in those days; let me see,—I cou'd have done—I don't know what I could have done.
2. Something forcible or effective; esp. something very big; a ‘whopper’. colloq. or slang; now rare or local. Cf. swingeing ppl. a. 2.
1599Warn. Faire Wom. ii. 1524, I am sure there is a gallowes big enough to hold them both..'tis a swinger yfayth.1648Herrick Hesper., Twelfe Nt. 24 And thus ye must doe To make the wassaile a swinger [rime ginger].16772nd Pacquet Advices 42 They are likely to give us nothing New but a New Parliament, and that shall be a Swinger, as the Dissolver hath promised us.1712–13Swift Jrnl. to Stella 25 Jan., I saw a hundred tiles fallen down; and one swinger fell about forty yards before me, that would have killed a horse.a1734North Lives (1826) II. 70 This motion at that time was indeed a swinger; for, in consequence, the execution of it by such a pardon of all convictions had lost the King irrecoverably.a1734Exam. ii. iv. §10 (1740) 236 We had..diverse [plots] of most desperate Reach; witness that of Fitzharris, which was a Swinger.1853C. B. Mansfield Paraguay, etc. (1856) 425, I started off..with a tremendous toothache, one of my old swingers.1872Schele de Vere Americanisms 557 In Virginia..boys have for more than two centuries called a large snake or other formidable creature a swindger.
b. spec. A great or bold lie, a ‘bang’. Obs.
1671Eachard Observ. Answ. Cont. Clergy 153 How will his puling Conscience be put to it, to rap out presently half a dozen swingers to get off cleaverly?1727Swift Art Polit. Lying Wks. 1755 III. i. 122 The Whig-party do wisely to try the credulity of the people sometimes by swingers.1781M. Madan Thelyphthora III. 148 Is it possible that, when St. Bernard told this swinger, he could believe it, himself?
c. A forcible blow or stroke.
1836E. Howard R. Reefer xxv, He applied across my shoulders one of the most hearty..swingers that ever left a wale behind it.1841J. T. J. Hewlett P. Priggins II. xi. 169 Another pleasant occupation was having to jump two or three feet from the ground, and then to be knocked down by his master, who stood on a form for the purpose. This was called ‘tipping a neat swinger’.1890Barrère & Leland Slang Dict., Swinger (Charterhouse), a box on the ears.
3. A tool with a raised point, used for levering timbers, etc.
III. swinger3|ˈswɪŋə(r)|
I. [f. swing v.1 + -er1 2.] One who or that which swings.
1. One who flourishes something about, or causes it to oscillate.
1543Bale Yet a Course 88 Holy water swyngers, and euen songe clatterers.1897Daily News 27 May 2/5 Club Swinging... The well-known swinger of Indian clubs, brought his attempt to swing a pair of two pound clubs for thirty consecutive hours to a successful conclusion.
2. a. (a) A person who swings.
1712Steele Spect. No. 492 ⁋3 These [familiar romps], Mr. Spectator, are the Swingers... They get on Ropes, as you must have seen the children, and are swung by their Men Visitants.1877G. H. Kingsley Sport & Trav. (1900) 331 The strong man becomes a swinger in hammocks, a sucker of oranges, a smoker of pipes.
(b) A Hindu who performs the penance of swinging: see swing v.1 6 (b).
1793Medical Spectator II. No. 39. 242 Every thing being ready for the swinger, he kneels upon the ground, when a very dexterous operator fixes two strong iron hooks into the common integuments betwixt his shoulders.1893Times 11 July 3/6 The writer afterwards interviewed a swinger. He was rather the worse for opium, but none the worse for his swing.
b. A thing that swings to and fro; a swing for recreation; a kind of lever; a coat with swinging tails or skirt. See also jim-swinger.
three legs and a swinger: said of an animal which has only three sound legs, the fourth hanging or dragging limp through injury; hence of a dilapidated chair, etc.
1662J. Davies tr. Olearius' Voy. Ambass. 93, I have seen publick Swinging-places, They..giving two or three pence to little Boies who keep Swingers ready.1825J. Nicholson Oper. Mech. 426, 19 and 20 act as swingers or levers from the joints 21 and 22.1863B. Brierley Chron. Waverlow 147 The latter people did not care for misfits at all, and would don a broad-lapped ‘swinger’ or a swallow-tailed coat with equal indifference.1893Westm. Gaz. 12 May 1/3 Royal Hampton had no pretensions to winning although he took the City and Suburban on ‘three legs and a swinger’ in the following spring.1916C'tess Barcynska Honey-Pot ii, Be careful of the chair! It's a real antique, only three legs and a swinger!
c. Cricket. A ball that swings in the air on delivery; an inswinger or outswinger.
1920Lyttelton & Wilson in P. F. Warner Cricket (ed. 2) 266 He bowled a swinger, an off break, and a fast ball, which went with his arm.1948Sporting Mirror 21 May 2/3 Heath bowls medium fast swingers and opens the bowling.1966[see cutter n.1 5 b].1977Listener 11 Aug. 182/4 Waving at a late swinger outside the off stump.
d. A gramophone record with an eccentric spindle-hole.
1935H. C. Bryson Gramophone Record vi. 147 The central hole has to be made perfectly true, for were it the least eccentric with the grooves, the records produced from it would be swingers.1961E. N. Bradley Records & Gramophone Equipment i. 22 The most likely cause of wow is a swinger—a record whose spindle hole is not exactly central and so turns eccentrically as a result.1981Hi-Fi Answers Apr. 74/2 If you press the grooves off⁓centre relative to the centre hole it sounds terrible. A swinger that would just be okay at 33 will not do at 45.
3. a. Mus. A musician who plays jazz with swing.
1934in B. Rust Jazz Records 1897–1942 (1969) 1516 (recording artists) The Six Swingers.1958K. Goodwin in P. Gammond Decca Bk. of Jazz xiii. 151 There are some real swingers on the coast, among them a young coloured pianist—Hampton Hawes.1962Sunday Times (Colour Suppl.) 10 June 3 Unexcelled as a technician and swinger, Baker is said by some to lack a musical heart and personality of his own.
b. A lively person who keeps up with what is considered fashionable; one who is ‘with it’.
1965P. Kael I lost it at Movies 19, I think in treating indiscriminateness as a value, she has become a real swinger.1966Economist 11 June 1240/3 No attempt has been made to attract the wilder London ‘swingers’ of Time-fame.1967H. Kemelman Nine Mile Walk (1968) 149 In the parlance of the undergraduate..Professor John Baxter Bowman..was a swinger, with a taste and interest in clothes not usually associated with the professoriat.1972J. Gores Dead Skip (1973) xiv. 96 The Dukum Inn..looked..like an aging swinger getting up in the morning with his teeth still in the water glass.1977M. French Women's Room (1978) i. 14 I'd meet some middle-aged swinger with a deep tan and sideburns.
c. A person who is sexually promiscuous; spec. one who advocates or engages in group sex or the swapping of sexual partners. Also, a homosexual. slang.
1964W. & J. Breedlove Swap Clubs i. 37 We will on occasion utilize ‘swinger’ and ‘swinging’ to describe the advocate of sexual partner exchange and the exercising of that practice.1966T. Pynchon Crying of Lot 49 vi. 147, I had a date last night with an eight-year-old, And she's a swinger just like me.1972G. Baxt Burning Sappho iii. 47 Flo pondered the invitation... ‘You sure you ain't no swinger?’ ‘I assure you my dear,’ said Lady Molly..‘I am not a womaniser.’1977Time 4 July 38/2 Some operators have converted nudist colonies into ‘swinger camps’, the new rural retreats for the randy.
4. ? A large sword. (Cf. early Flem. swinghe.)
1673Hickeringill Greg. F. Greyb. 42 The old Bishops..that ne'r..so much as knew how to set the Periwig and Galloshoes, much less the true timing and accenting of a Rapper, and double swinger.
II. [f. swing n.2 12 d + -er1 1.]
5. Each of the middle pair of horses in a team of six.
a1872Trip to the West 137 (S. de Vere) Each wagon is usually drawn by three span of mules, of which the lighter and forward, are leaders, the next pair swingers, and the rear, or heaviest pair, wheelers.




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