

单词 ecclesiastical
释义 ecclesiˈastical a.
[f. prec. + -al1.]
1. = ecclesiastic A. 1.
1538Coverdale N.T. Ded., Jurisdiction ecclesiastical.1593Hooker Eccl. Pol. i. xvi. 47 Our whole question concerneth the qualitie of ecclesiasticall lawes.1635N. Carpenter Geog. Del. ii. xiv. 235 Their Churches haue no perfect platforme of Ecclesiasticall gouernment.1704Nelson Fest. & Fasts (1739) 1 Festivals..are of Ecclesiastical Institution.1865Maffei Brigand Life II. 15 Both the ecclesiastical and civil tribunals.
b. ecclesiastical commission, commissioners: a body of commissioners, acting in subordination to the Privy Council, for administering certain portions of the revenues of the Established Church of England. ecclesiastical corporations: corporations consisting solely of ecclesiastical persons. ecclesiastical courts: courts for administering ecclesiastical law and maintaining the discipline of the Established Church. ecclesiastical law: the law, derived from Canon and Civil law, administered by such courts. ecclesiastical judge: a judge of an ecclesiastical court.
1649Bp. Hall Cases Consc. ii. v. (1654) 113, I see not why the Ecclesiastical Judge may not convent the person accused.1651Hobbes Govt. & Soc. xiv. §5. 215 The humane Lawes (which are also called Ecclesiasticall) concerning things sacred.1681Nevile Plato Rediv. 176 The Clergy..had and will have..inferior Courts in their own Power, called Ecclesiastical.1827Hallam Const. Hist. (1876) III. xiv. 63 No legal defence could be made for the Ecclesiastical commission of 1686.1836H. Rogers J. Howe viii. (1863) 195 Dignitaries of the Church..put into motion all the..machinery of the ecclesiastical courts.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Emp. (1854) II. 259 All bishops have chancellors to assist them in..matters of ecclesiastical law.
2. Of or pertaining to the church viewed as consisting of the clergy; pertaining to or characteristic of an ecclesiastic or ecclesiastics.
1538Starkey England iv. 138 Are gyuen to the Church and Ecclesyastycal personys.1576Lambarde Peramb. Kent (1826) 137 How hee might..without offence to the Ecclesiasticall estate..conteine that treasure within the Realme.1841Miall Nonconf. I. 2 A final grapple with ecclesiastical tyranny.1845S. Austin Ranke's Hist. Ref. I. 17 To maintain the ecclesiastical rights and privileges.
b. spec. Ecclesiastical State(s, the provinces formerly ruled by the Pope as Head of the Roman Church; = States of the Church, Papal States. Obs.
1689Luttrell Brief Rel. (1857) I. 543 The pope has published a bull, excommunicating all persons..that shal hinder the commerce..of the ecclesiastical state.1815Wellington Let. in Gurw. Disp. XII. 238 This officer says that he already in fact governs the Ecclesiastical States.
3. quasi-n.
a. = ecclesiastic B. 2, a. pl. Matters concerning the church.
1641C. Burges Serm. 26 To adhere to the Pope as supreme in all Spiritualls and Ecclesiasticalls.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. i. Add. ix. 143 Their..greater ministeries in Ecclesiasticals.1710W. Hume Sacr. Success. 249 What is said to vindicate pope Joan's negotiation in Ecclesiasticals, may be apply'd to any sort of hypocrites.
b. = ecclesiastic B. 1. rare.
1882–3Schaff Relig. Encycl. II. 911/2 Nor could any ecclesiastical receive his office from a layman.




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