

单词 ratline
释义 ratlin(e, ratling Naut.|ˈrætlɪn, -lɪŋ|
Forms: α. 5 radelyng, 5, 7– ratling, 7, 9 rattling. β. 8– ratlin, 9 rattlin. γ. 5 rad(d)elyne, 8– ratline.
[Of obscure origin: perh. the same word as OF. rael-, raalingue (? from *rade-, *ratelingue), now ralingue small cordage employed to strengthen the edge of a sail.
There is no evidence that the ending -line is identical with line n.2; cf. the synonymous Du. weveling with LG. wevelîne, G. webeleine.]
1. Thin line or rope such as is used for the ratlines (see 2); also ratline stuff, ratlin(e line.
1481–90Howard Househ. Bks. (Roxb.) 111 My Lord paid him for iij. hausers, a peir takkes, a ratling line for Chewdes, weing C. a quarter xiij. lb. xv. s.1497Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 185 Raddelyne Marlyne & Sayletwyne. Also..payed for DC weyght Radelyng..liiij s.1833Poe MS. found in Bottle in Gift 1836 (1835) 80 A pile of ratlin-stuff and old sails.1835Constable in Leslie Mem. (1845) 268 A supply of rattlin for his hammock.1883Man. Seamanship for Boys' Training Ships R. Navy (Admiralty) (1886) 312 Hitch your rattling stuff round the third shroud from aft.1899F. T. Bullen Log of Sea-waif 323 We had no new ratline stuff on board.1954Bradford & Quill Gloss. Sea Terms 154/1 Ratline stuff, twelve- or fifteen-thread but usually eighteen-thread right-handed, tarred rope, used for ratlines, heavy lashings and heavy lines.
2. (Chiefly pl.) One of the small lines fastened horizontally on the shrouds of a vessel, and serving as steps by which to go up and down the rigging.
catch-ratlin(e: see latest quots. in β and γ.
α1611Cotgr., Enflecheures, the ratlings, the cordie steps whereby mariners climbe vp to the top of the mast.a1685Otway Compl. Muse xviii, With ill-furl'd Sails, and Rattlings loose.1797Nelson 23 June in Nicolas Disp. (1846) VII. p. cxliv, A brace, bowling, halyards, or any rope, even to a rattling.1859All Year Round No. 17. 399, I placed my hands on the shrouds..and lightly touched with my feet the lower rattlings.
β1711W. Sutherland Shipbuild. Assist. 113 The Main Shrouds, and the Cross-lines, called Ratlins, serving as Steps to go into the Main-top.1767S. Paterson Another Trav. II. 224 The seeming firm-set ladder to towering Fame, will become the rolling ratlins of lasting Infamy.1816Scott Antiq. viii, Make the chair fast with the rattlin—haul taught and belay!c1860H. Stuart Seaman's Catech. 35 Every sixth ratlin will be a catch ratlin, that is, the end of the ratlin is seized to the after shroud.
γ1721in Bailey.1773Gentl. Mag. XLIII. 143 Up ladders and steps, and up ratlines and stairs, We pass'd.1882Nares Seamanship (ed. 6) 13 All the ratlines are seized to the after shroud but one, except every fifth ratline, which is seized to the after shroud, and is called a catch ratline.
Hence ratlin(e v., trans. to furnish with ratlines. Obs. (Cf. rattle v.2)
1495Naval Acc. Hen. VII (1896) 277 DC Radelyne..spent apon reparacion & Radelynyng of the Shrowdes.1711W. Sutherland Shipbuild. Assist. 113 The main Swifter, a Part of the Shrowds, but not ratlin'd.




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