

单词 Egyptian
释义 Egyptian, a. and n.|ɪˈdʒɪpʃən|
Forms: 4 egi-, egypcian, -ien, -yan, 6 egiptian, egypcy-, (sy-)an, 7 æg-, 7– egyptian.
[f. Egypt + -ian.]
A. adj.
1. a. Belonging or relating to Egypt.
1646Crashaw Delights of the Muse 129 Th' Egyptian Pyramids themselves must live.1726tr. Gregory's Astron. I. 245 The Egyptian, Julian, and Gregorian [year].1885Rawlinson Egypt & Bab. 223 No trace has been found of camels in the Egyptian monuments.Mod. The recent Egyptian campaign. He speculated in Egyptian bonds.
b. fig. In Biblical allusions, as Egyptian bondage: bondage like that of the Israelites in Egypt; Egyptian darkness: intense darkness (see Exod. x. 22); also, Egyptian days: the two days in each month which were believed to be unlucky.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. xxi. (1495) 358 For there ben xxiiij Egypcyans dayes it folowyth that god sente mo wreches vpon the Egypcyens than ten.c1400Apol. Loll. 93 A waytiþ not þeis Egipcian daies, (þat we call dysmal).1641R. Brooke Eng. Episc. ii. iv. 76 A Glympse that might Enlighten them in the midst of Egyptian darknesse.1659Milton Rupt. Commw. Wks. (1851) 401 A part of the Nation were desperately conspir'd to call back again thir Egyptian Bondage.1854J. Abbott Napoleon II. viii. 133 It was a night of Egyptian darkness.
2. Bot. Egyptian bean: perh. the fruit of Nelumbium speciosum; Egyptian lily, the white arum, or trumpet lily, Zantedeschia æthiopica; = calla 2; Egyptian lotus = Nymphæa Lotus; Egyptian millet, Pennisetum spicatum; Egyptian onion, a form of the common onion, Allium cepa aggregatum; Egyptian pea: see pea1 3; Egyptian privet, henna; Egyptian rose: (a) Scabiosa arvensis L. (b) Scabiosa atropurpurea L.; Egyptian thorn: Cratægus Pyracantha.
1847A. H. Lincoln Lect. Bot. (ed. 2) xxxvi. 191 The elegant exotic, Calla ethiopica, or Egyptian lily.1959R. M. Carleton Index Common Names Herbaceous Plants 41/2 Egyptian-lily, Agapanthus africanus (A. umbellatus); Zantedeschia (Richardia).
1829Virginia Herald (Fredericksburg, Va.) 25 Apr. 2/4 The leaves are of a beautiful green—long, narrow, dagger shaped, not unlike those of the Egyptian millet.1864Egyptian millet [see millet1 2].1907L. H. Bailey Cycl. Amer. Agric. II. 471/1 Various other names have been applied to this plant, such as penicillaria, cat-tail millet, Egyptian millet.
1880Encycl. Brit. XII. 285/1 The Tree Onion or Egyptian Onion..produces small bulbs instead of flowers.1959R. M. Carleton Index Common Names Herbaceous Plants 41/2 Egyptian onion, Allium cepa.
1825Loudon Encycl. Agric. §1057 The henné or Egyptian privet.1956Colour Index (ed. 2) I. 1751 The powdered dried leaves of the Egyptian privet.
3. Min. Egyptian jasper, Egyptian pebble: a brown mottled jasper from Egypt.
1771Hill Fossils 226 Egyptian Pebble.1804Jameson Mineralogy I. 230 Egyptian Jasper.1884Dana Mineralogy 195 Egyptian Jasper.
4. = gipsy. humorous.
1749Fielding Tom Jones xii. xiii. IV. 295 Mr. Jones..took leave of his Egyptian majesty.
5. In Printing. Egyptian type (letters, figures): a particular kind of type distinguished by the thickness of the stems; also as quasi-n.
1855J. Gordon Interest Tables Pref. 7 The introduction of Egyptian figures at the tens..will..give increased facility to the eye in running over the columns.1859H. Beadnell Guide Typography ii. 35 Types are..distinguished according to the information..of the letter..[as]..Roman, Italic..Egyptian.
6. Egyptian binding (see quot. 1728); Egyptian cotton, a cotton of fine quality developed in Egypt; Egyptian pound (see pound n.1 3 d); Egyptian wheel (see quots.).
1728Chambers Cycl. s.v. Bookbinding, The Manner of binding Books in Volumes, i.e. of sewing the leaves together, to roll 'em on round Pieces or Cylinders of Wood, appears the most Ancient..which we may call Egyptian binding.
1877Encycl. Brit. VI. 485/1 The new description of Egyptian cotton has since been known by the name ‘Jumel’ in France.1957Egyptian cotton [see back-door 2].
1793Descr. Estate of Culross 9 Sir George Bruce erected machinery, consisting of the Egyptian wheel, commonly called chain and bucket, to drain the Coal to the dip of the old workings.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle Lands vii. 196 A well of water worked by a thoroughly Egyptian wheel.1880Encycl. Brit. XII. 435/1 The Egyptian Wheel or Noria.
7. Zool. Egyptian cobra: see cobra.
B. n.
1. A native of Egypt. Often fig. with allusion to the aspect in which the Egyptians appear in the Bible. to spoil the Egyptians: cf. Exod. xii. 36.
1388Wyclif Isa. xix. 21 Egipcions schulen knowe the Lord.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. iii. (1495) 347 Amonge the Egypcyens the yere was tokenyd by a dragon paynted bytynge his owne taylle.c1400Apol. Loll. 73 Decretistis, as to þat part of wysdam þat þei haue of þe worldis wisdam, are Egipciens.1658Cleveland Rustic Ramp. Wks. (1687) 422 All without the Fold of the Godly were ægyptians.1828Blackw. Mag. XXIV. 323 The..abhorrence of the ægyptians for these barbarous Iconoclasts.Mod. The manners of the ancient Egyptians.
2. = gipsy.
1514Fitzherb. Just. Peas 98 b, It is ordayned agaynste people callynge themselves Egypcyans, that no such persons be suffred to come within this realme.1609Skene Reg. Maj. 179 For the better triall of..maisterfull beggers, fenȝeit foolis, counterfit Egyptians.1697View of Penal Laws 310 If any Transports into England or Wales, any lewd People, calling themselves Egyptians, they forfeit 40l.1749Fielding Tom Jones xii, A company of Egyptians, or as they are vulgarly called, gipsies.
3. pl. In late 19th-c. use = Egyptian stocks: securities issued by the Egyptian government.
4. The Hamitic language of Egypt.
1556A. Vele in R. Robynson tr. More's Utopia (ed. 2) Printer to Reader, It is a tongue to vs muche straunger then the Indian, the Persian,..the Arabicke, the Egyptian, the Macedonian.1646J. Gregory Notes & Obs. (1650) To Rdr., This Booke of ours..may be read in..Coptick or ægyptian.1842Visitor or Monthly Instructor 409/1 It ain't Greek at all: except, perhaps a few words. What ain't Greek is Egyptian; and what ain't Egyptian is Greek.1857S. Birch in J. G. Wilkinson Egyptians 182 Enlightened rulers prided themselves in speaking foreign tongues... Cleopatra spoke seven, Egyptian among the number.1875W. D. Whitney Life Lang. 254 In this [sc. ‘Hamitic’] family, the Egyptian occupies the same commanding position as the Chinese.1877Encycl. Brit. VII. 721/2 The inscribed and written character of Egyptian was the hieroglyphic.1960S. Potter Lang. in Mod. World viii. 112 It is customary to divide the history of Egyptian into three periods; Old or hieroglyphic, Middle or hieratic, and New or demotic.
5. a. A mother-of-pearl shell from Egypt.b. An Egyptian cigarette.
1885Encycl. Brit. XVIII. 447/2 The Arabs still obtain from this district [sc. Jiddah and Koseir] a quantity of mother-of-pearl shells, which are shipped from Alexandria, and come into the market as ‘Egyptians’.1892Whitehall Rev. 22 Oct. 8/1 She could tell Russians from Egyptians, and sometimes took a mild Havannah with her B and S in the smoking-room.1905Westm. Gaz. 28 Oct. 10/2 A box of Egyptians.1965P. Robinson Pakistani Agent viii. 107, I only smoke Egyptians, thank you.
Hence Eˈgyptianize v. (a) intr., to act like an Egyptian; to adopt Egyptian practices; (b) trans., to make like an Egyptian or the Egyptians; (c) to develop a country or district according to the methods adopted in Egypt; in later use, see quot. 1958; Eˈgyptianized ppl. a. Eˈgyptianism, Egyptian characteristics, inclination to Egyptian customs.
1664H. More Myst. Iniq. vi. 17 It was..wickedness..to ægyptianize in the adoration of the God of Israel.1827G. S. Faber Expiat. Sacrif. 268 God's condescension to the Egyptianism of the Israelites.1847Grote Greece ii. xx. III. 442 This dynasty [Psammetichus's] had too little of pure Egyptianism in them to find favour with the priests.1851H. Torrens in Jrnl. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 9 The existence of an Egyptianised race.1899Westm. Gaz. 4 Aug. 9/1 Were we prepared to..begin the work of Egyptianising the Yangtse Valley?1958Britannica Bk. of Year 1957 519/1 Egyptianize, meaning to nationalize foreign holdings in the manner of the Egyptian government in 1956.1959Daily Tel. 3 Mar. 16/3 The U.A.R. government is paying to the British Government a lump sum of {pstlg}27,500,000 in compensation for British private property Egyptianised, that is nationalised or compulsorily acquired.1959Times 24 Mar. 15/4 The 4,500 registered owners of sequestrated or Egyptianized property will wish to go to Egypt to recover their property or assess their loss.1962Listener 1 Mar. 366/2 The new ‘Egyptianized’ middle class which the regime has put into power.

Add:[A.] [6.] Egyptian black Ceramics, ‘basaltes’ or black ware (see black a. 19 b).
1784W. Bailey Bailey's Brit. Directory II. 390 Keeling, Anthony, Manufacturer of Queen's Ware in general, blue painted and enamelled *Egyptian Black, Tunstal, near Burslem.1825[see trial n.1 10 a].1965Finer & Savage Sel. Lett. J. Wedgwood 76 A solid black body was introduced in Staffordshire in the early years of the eighteenth century, and came to be known as ‘Egyptian black’.




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