

单词 electronic
释义 electronic, a.|iːlɛk-, ɛlɛkˈtrɒnɪk|
[f. electron2 + -ic.]
1. Of or pertaining to an electron or electrons.
1902J. A. Fleming (title) The electronic theory of electricity.1905A. M. Clerke Mod. Cosmogonies x. 175 An electronic theory of gravitation.1906J. B. Burke Orig. Life xi. 191 Three states of electronic aggregation.1922J. Mills Within the Atom xi. 147 Whenever electronic impacts give rise to radiation, the energy associated therewith is always proportional to the frequency.Ibid. xii. 159 Only in a highly evacuated tube would there be the possibility of large electronic orbits.1923Times Lit. Suppl. 15 Nov. 763/2 The earth's atmospheric circulation is..dependent upon the sun's electronic emissions.1927N. V. Sidgwick (title) The electronic theory of valency.1928Phil. Mag. VI. 1254 (title) Electronic waves and the electron.1937Discovery July 226/2 Ideas concerning electronic energy and electron levels in atoms in vacuo.1955C. G. Darwin in W. Pauli Niels Bohr 4 He [sc. Planck]..derived the electronic charge as 4·69 × 10-10 e.s.u.
2. Of or pertaining to electronics; esp. of something operated by the methods, principles, etc., of electronics. Spec. of music: produced electronically, without pipes, strings, etc. Also applied to devices producing such music.
1930Electronics Dec. 435 Electronic Musical Instruments..Examples of such instruments are the electronic organ of M. Coupleaux of Paris.1931Ibid. July 18/1 All recent developments in electronic music in Europe have used the same principle..that of the beat note produced by the interference of two tube-oscillators.1939Nature 25 June 1119/2 Electronic organs are making us acquainted with the synthesis of musical sounds.1951Times 23 Oct. 6/3 The electronic camera claims many advantages over its optical counterpart.1952Koestler Arrow in Blue xxix. 271 The final conclusion was suddenly present in my mind—like the result which appears on the dial of electronic calculators.1953Sci. News XXX. 70 The problem of electronic computing is basically simple, for the fundamental requirement is electrical manipulation of information.1959Observer 23 Aug. 7/3 Electronic music..makes use of electrically generated sounds recorded on tape and then rearranged into patterns.1962Gloss. Terms Autom. Data Processing (B.S.I.) 7 Electronic data processing (e.d.p.) is a term widely used in the U.S.A. for data processing largely performed by electronic means.1962M. McLuhan Gutenberg Galaxy 275 As we experience the new electronic and organic age with ever stronger indications of its main outlines, the preceding mechanical age becomes quite intelligible.
3. Special Combs. as electronic brain colloq., = electronic computer (see also quot. 1945); electronic computer, a computer operated electronically; electronic flash, a flash produced by an electrical discharge through a gas-filled tube and used for high-speed photography; electronic heating, dielectric heating (cf. dielectric B. 1); electronic mail, the sending of non-spoken information between individuals over a telecommunication network to a selected location or locations where it is stored for subsequent retrieval, spec. in a computer; information sent in this way; so electronic mailbox, an individual facility for receiving and storing such information for retrieval by a recipient; electronic typewriter, an electric typewriter in which solid-state circuitry is used to provide additional facilities such as storing typed characters.
1945Aero Products Jan. 22 An ‘electronic brain’, which helps pilots test-fly new airplanes, has been invented by flight research engineers of Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation. Technically, the device is known as a ‘flight recorder’.1946Aircraft Yearbk. 165 Electronic ‘brains’ will guide the counter-missile with precision.1958Listener 11 Dec. 983/1 Automatic digital calculators, sometimes called ‘electronic brains’, are just over a decade old.
1946Electronics Aug. 110/1 The servomechanism is part of the computer, and..computers of this type have become known as electronic computers.1962Mod. Lang. Rev. LVII. 162 An electronic computer [has] been used to index the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas.
1947Americana Ann. 561 The Electronic Flash Gun, made by the Abrams Instrument Corporation.1949British Birds XLII. 240 The photographs shown..were taken by high-speed electronic flash.1962Listener 22 Feb. 337/2 The invention of the electronic flash camera has permitted photographs to be taken at much higher speeds than ever before.1968Gloss. Terms Offset Lithogr. Printing (B.S.I.) 12 Electronic flash lamp, a discharge lamp giving a high light output for a very brief period.
1946Sci. News Let. 26 Jan. 53 The drying and curing of rubber by electronic heating is six times faster than conventional processes.1959Gloss. Packaging Terms (B.S.I.) 82 Electronic heating, heating produced by dielectric loss.
1977Science 18 Mar. 1161/1 An electronic mail system is becoming practical today, because of the wide availability..of electronic communication channels.Ibid., Electronic mail can be originated by conventional means (typewriter, handwriting, printing).1982A. J. Meadows et al. Dict. New Information Technol. 63/1 A combination of facsimile transmission and telex or teletex makes possible electronic mail systems able to handle both text and graphics.1982Sci. Amer. Sept. 126/3 Many of the users of terminals and small computers can communicate with one another and with their home offices through one of the half-dozen ‘electronic mail’ networks now in existence in the U.S.1984Daily Tel. 3 Dec. 3/3 A major security alert involving the hacking of electronic mail.
1981Computerworld 28 Dec. ETC/EM features electronic mailboxes, automatic message routing and broadcasting, correspondence archiving, [etc.].1983Observer 9 Oct. 12/2 (Advt.), Services such as British Telecom..allow computer terminals to dial up over the telephone network to consult personal electronic mailboxes.1984New Scientist 4 Oct. 4/3 A value added network..includes services not normally available from the telephone system—services such as code conversion, electronic mailboxes and speed matching.
1975Economist 20 Sept. 79/2 Rank-Xerox launched a new *electronic typewriter, said to handle 350 words a minute.1978Business Week 13 Feb. 80/1 Its new line of electronic typewriters will bridge the gap between standard electric typewriters and low-priced word processors.1984Austral. Personal Computer May 171/1 An electronic typewriter..is capable of simple formatting, storing small amounts of often-typed text.., and will normally have a ‘type-ahead’ buffer.

Add:[3.] electronic publishing, the publishing of text, graphics, and related data in machine-readable form, usu. accompanied by software that enables the user to obtain access to information in ways impossible through the printed medium.
1977U.S. News & World Rep. 5 Sept. 56/2 The genesis of *electronic publishing at U.S. News & World Report dates back five years.1985P. Laurie Databases vi. 122 Most of this money goes on paper, printing and physical distribution, and is, of course, saved in electronic publishing.

electronic banking n. banking transactions carried out electronically (in later use esp. via the Internet), without involving the physical depositing or receipt of cash or cheques; maintenance of a bank account by means of computer and telecommunications equipment and software.
1957Columbus (Nebraska) Daily Telegram 14 Feb. 14/4 (heading) Chicago suburb has *electronic banking.1967Forbes 1 Apr. 43/3 With electronic banking, it will become far more difficult for small, suburban banks to compete with big city banks.1975Business Week 10 Mar. 26/2 At issue is..whether an electronic banking terminal legally counts as a bank.1989Which? Sept. 421/1 Despite the increase in electronic banking, you still think the personal touch is important.2001Toronto Star (Electronic ed.) 17 Jan. Despite the convenience of electronic banking, many Canadians still value having access to branches when they need it.

electronic benefits transfer n. (also electronic benefit transfer) orig. U.S. the electronic delivery of credit to a recipient of government benefits (esp. food stamps), usually via a payment card with which the recipient may make purchases.
1984Supermarket News 11 June 1 His company is the computer consulting firm directing the Reading, Pa., food-stamp *electronic benefits transfer test.1998World in 1998 (Economist Publ.) 112/3 Britain hopes to distribute all social-security benefits..on electronic benefit-transfer cards by 2000.2002J. Geringer in P. J. Andrisani et al. New Public Managem. vii. 73 The Electronic Benefits Transfer and Health Passport..are changing the whole public health-care paradigm by giving clients greater responsibility.

electronic cash n. = electronic money n.
[1967A. H. Anderson et al. (title) An electronic cash and credit system.]1982Business Information Technol. Apr. 16 *Electronic cash—or, more properly, ‘electronic funds transfer’—will affect every business in the country.1999Newsday (Electronic ed.) 20 Sept. It will..take time..for electronic cash to catch on. Even then, paper money and coins will likely always be an option.2006Information Sci.1761306 Blind signatures are a basic primitive for anonymous electronic cash.

electronic data interchange n. the electronic transmission of business data, such as orders and invoices, between computer systems in different organizations in accordance with an established protocol; a standard established for such data exchange; freq. attrib.; abbreviated EDI.
1975J. I. Carley et al. (title) Preliminary functional specification for a prototype *electronic data interchange system: shippers, banks, forwarders, carriers.1979Jrnl. Commerce (N.Y.) 30 Oct. 31/8 Possible inclusion of a reporting capability in an information exchange system through Electronic Data Interchange.1987Financial Rev. (Sydney) 4 Aug. 28/2 The Australian Product Number Association..yesterday released its draft standards for electronic data interchange (EDI).2000Red Herring Mar. 328/3 Point-of-sale information which had previously been faxed to headquarters for analysis was replaced by electronic data interchange documents ported via the Web.

electronic keyboard n. (a) a keyboard on a typewriter, musical instrument, etc., which operates electronically; (b) a (usually portable) musical instrument consisting of a piano-style keyboard and integrated microelectronics; a synthesizer.
1938Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Northwestern 10 Aug. 14/2 Keyboard Concert, demonstration of *electronic keyboard organ.1953Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica) 1 June 4 (advt.) Hear..George Moxey play the Clavioline the wonder electronic keyboard which reproduces all instrumental tones.1991Gramophone Jan. 1390/2 No doubt the close recording quality, which makes the piano sound like an electronic keyboard, is partly responsible for the impression of total aridity.1997J. Seabrook Deeper i. 30 The ease of typing on the electronic keyboard made it possible to write almost at the speed of thought, in riffs.2004NeuroImage 22 1385/1 The stimuli used..were abstract sounds that had been generated from an electronic keyboard and recorded on compact disk.

electronic money n. money represented, held, and exchanged in electronic form.
1966Syracuse (N.Y.) Herald Amer. 3 July 11/1 We will be able to shop for all manner of products—food, clothing, household items—and..will be able to pay for them with ‘*electronic money’.1967Forbes 1 Apr. 42 (title) Electronic money.1971Econ. Jrnl. 81 728 Electronic money, involving instantaneous deposit accounting and debt settlement, is the next logical step in the long evolution of payment media.1993Locus June 13/2 We are defending our privacy with cryptography, with anonymous mail forwarding systems, with digital signatures, and with electronic money.2000Toronto Star (Electronic ed.) 17 June Electronic money will also change the role of banks and allow other non-bank competitors to introduce electronic money to settle many different kinds of transactions.

electronic notebook n. an electronic device likened to or having the functions of a notebook; spec. a small computer suitable for storing and manipulating memos and other small files, now typically hand-held and used with a stylus rather than a keyboard; cf. notebook n. 2.
1963Independent (Long Beach, Calif.) 4 June a7/1 (advt.) Craig tape recorder. ‘*Electronic notebook’ was $59.95.1970Current Anthropol. 11 21/3 A final word about pocket-sized tape recorders. Besides their obvious uses as ‘electronic notebooks’ in the field, they can provide background data for photographs and films.1982Financial Times (Nexis) 21 Oct. 11 Rapid advances in computer technology are opening up a new market in portable terminals—electronic notebooks—currently growing at 30 per cent a year in the US.1994K. Perry Business & European Community vii. 140 A microprocessor chip..lies at the heart of Apple's Newton portable electronic notebook.2000Press Gaz. 14 Jan. 13/4 The introduction of wireless connectivity through electronic notebooks and Web phones.

electronic organizer n. a pocket-sized computer providing the functions of a personal organizer; cf. personal digital assistant n. at personal adj. and n. and adv. Special uses.
1983N.Y. Times (Nexis) 12 July c5/1 The image of the shoe box remains in the popular perception of family accounting, and so it is not surprising that someone has come out with an *electronic organizer that goes by the same name... Shoebox deals with appointments, to-do reminders and expenses.1997‘Q’ Deadmeat 86 ‘What's your mobile phone number and URL?’ asked Hunter, taking out his electronic organiser.2000F. Bleasdale Rubber Gloves or Jimmy Choos vi. 140 They had given me a briefcase and an electronic organiser. I couldn't think of more useless presents.

electronic purse n. a smart card or other device on which an amount of electronic money can be deposited and stored, and which may be used to pay for inexpensive items.
1987Financial Times 27 May 11 Under Midland's experiment, students at the university will use the smart card as a sort of *electronic purse which keeps records. Each card will have a spending limit written into it.1995Economist 8 Apr. 97/3 When lawyers request a particular article from a database, the chip subtracts the cost of the information from its electronic purse.2001Card News (Electronic ed.) 24 Jan. With a single card, users can purchase food and merchandise from on-site vendors using electronic purse, credit, or debit functions.

electronic shopping n. the purchase of goods by computer, (in later use) esp. via the Internet.
1959Daily Courier (Connellsville, Pa.) 1 Dec. 5/2 (heading) Future *Electronic Shopping Will Eliminate Check-Outs.1969Times 1 July 23/4 New Sears is beginning to think about possibilities of ‘at home electronic shopping’, using television and automated ordering systems.1981T. R. Licklider in Creative Computing Apr. 78/1 Besides access to the above information bases, the utilities and computer bulletin boards also offer electronic mail, electronic shopping, user-to-user ‘chatting’,..and the opportunity to try programming in a dozen languages.1995Economist 1 July (Internet Survey Suppl.) 21/1 The Internet's most passionate evangelists believe that its radical heritage is not about to be swept away by a tidal wave of conventionality and electronic shopping.2000Evening Post (Bristol) (Electronic ed.) 16 Sept. For those who look on a trip to The Mall as the next worse thing to being thrown into a pit of deadly scorpions, electronic shopping does have a lot of advantages.




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