

单词 tapestry-work
释义 ˈtapestry-work
= tapestry n. 1.
1434N.C. Wills (Surtees 1908) 43 Lectum meum de tapstriwerke cum leonibus et pelicano.1459in Paston Lett. I. 479 Item, j testyr of blewe tapistry warke.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1332/1 The feast was excellentlie well furnished of all things, & speciallie of tapistrie worke & other deuises of sugar.1601Holland Pliny viii. xlviii. 227 The course rough wool..hath been of auncient time highly commended and accounted of in tapestrie worke.1812M. Edgeworth Vivian viii, Miss Strictland [followed] bearing her ladyship's tapestry work.
Comb.c1515Cocke Lorell's B. 9 Borlers, tapstry worke, makers, and dyers.
So ˈtapestry-worked a., tapestried; ˈtapestry-worker, one who works or makes tapestry.
1727(title) The Practice of Perspective..a work highly necessary for Painters, Embroiderers, Jewellers, Tapestry Workers.1883Ld. R. Gower Rec. & Remin. xxi. II. 60 Two large tapestry-worked screens.1908H. Pentin Judith iv. 77 ‘Judith and Holofernes’ was also a favourite subject for tapestry-workers.




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