

单词 tapissery
释义 ˈtapissery Obs.
Also 5 tapecery(e, tapcery, tapisery, -yssere, 5–6 -ery(e (tapserye), 6 tapycerye, -esserie, -essarie (Sc.), tappyssery, tapissary, -arie, tapisry, -issrie, 7 -issry.
[a. F. tapisserie (14th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), f. tapissier a tapestry-worker, or tapisser to cover with carpet, f. tapis carpet, table-cloth: see tapis n. and -ery.]
The early form of the word tapestry. Also attrib.
1426E.E. Wills (1882) 76 A blewe bedde of Tapecery.c1430Lydg. Min. Poems (Percy Soc.) 6 Clothis of gold, silk, and tapcery.c1430Brut 460 Alle the stretes..were hanged with cloþes of arras and with clothes of tapissery werk.1497Caxton's Chron. Eng. vii. (W. de W.) S vj b/1 The stretes were coueryd ouer his heed wyth sylk of tapisery.1525Ld. Berners Froiss. II. li. 181 Chambres hanged with tapyceryes and curteynes.1530Palsgr. 279/1 Tappyssery werke, tapisserie.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VI 115 b, Riche clothes of Arras and Tapissrie.1555W. Watreman Fardle Facions ii. xi. 260 The grounde couered and garnisshed with natures Tapesserie.1578T. N. tr. Conq. W. India 183 Rich Mantels, Tapissary Targats, tuffes of feathers.1683Evelyn Diary 4 Oct., The new fabriq of French tapissry.1697Numismata viii. 285 Clemens Alexandrinus in the Tenth Book of his Tapisseries.




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