

单词 energism
释义 energism Metaph.|ˈɛnədʒɪz(ə)m|
[ad. G. energismus (F. Paulsen Einleitung in d. Philos. (1892) 432), f. late L. energīa energy: see -ism.]
The theory that the supreme good does not lie in pleasure but in a contented activity of mind (see also quot. 1931). Hence enerˈgistic a.
1895F. Thilly tr. Paulsen's Introd. Philos. (1898) 421 This view is opposed by another theory, which does not seek the highest good in subjective feelings, but in an objective content of life, or, since life is activity, in a specific mode of life. Permit me to call this view energism.1913Hastings's Encycl. Relig. VI. 511/1 ‘Energism’ is Paulsen's title for his revived Greek position. In this third use of the term it [sc. happiness] includes, rather than excludes, perfection as an end.1931A. Wolf in W. Rose Outl. Mod. Knowl. 544 The view which identifies it [sc. the sole attribute of ultimate reality] with energy is called energism.Ibid. 548 Philosophy which was more or less materialistic, or energistic, or at least positivist.




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