

单词 enfant gâté
释义 enfant gâté|ɑ̃fɑ̃ gɑte|
[Fr., = spoilt child.]
A person who is accorded excessive adulation or indulgence.
1802Gifford tr. Juvenal's Satires p. xlvi, In a word, Horace seems to have been the enfant gaté of the palace.1833Scott Introd. Novels I. 479 The Author of the Waverley Novels..might..have been termed L'Enfant Gâté of success.1892E. Dowson Lett. (1967) 275, I..think that there is..beneath her double perversity of enfant gâtée and jeune fille coquette a solid foundation of affection.1937A. J. Cronin Citadel iii. vi. 298 Frances..had an amused affection for the enfant gâté.1960Times 2 June 12/3 As a person he has survived the period of being the enfant gâté of post-war Germany.




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