

单词 enfant terrible
释义 enfant terrible|ɑ̃fɑ̃ tɛribl|
[Fr., = terrible child.]
A child who embarrasses his elders by untimely remarks; transf. a person who compromises his associates or his party by unorthodox or ill-considered speech or behaviour; loosely, one who acts unconventionally.
1851Fraser's Mag. Mar. 322/1 He..seemed to tell all these stories just as an enfant terrible might, without fully understanding them.1854Thackeray Newcomes I. xxi. 194 The enfant terrible, young Alfred,..announcing to all the company at dessert, that Ethel was in love with Clive.1885‘L. Malet’ Col. Enderby's Wife II. iii. v. 27 That enfant terrible of Mrs. Farrell's is not coming back, I trust?1930T. Karsavina Theatre Street III. xxiv. 293 A permanent figure of the theatre was Jean Cocteau, the enfant terrible of rehearsals.1939D. Cecil Young Melbourne iii. 87 She..spoke her mind with enfant terrible candour.1940Ann. Reg. 1939 10 The enfant terrible of the party, who once more did not see eye to eye with his colleagues.




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