

单词 enfeeblement
释义 enfeeblement|ɛnˈfiːb(ə)lmənt|
[f. enfeeble v. + -ment.]
The action or process of enfeebling; the state of being enfeebled.
1667H. More Div. Dial. ii. xxiii. (1713) 163 The great..Enfeeblements of Mind and Body.1805Month. Mag. XIX. 327 The enfeeblement, or smothering of his argument.1861Mill Utilit. ii. 33 The enfeeblement of the feeling of veracity is one of the most hurtful things to which our conduct can be instrumental.1869Seeley Lect. & Ess. ii. 54 The enfeeblement produced by the..introduction of civilisation.




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